Titanium Ore

From The Blockheads Wiki
Titanium Ore
Titanium Ore
Titanium Ore

Category Resource
Use Crafting
Stackable Yes (99)

Titanium ore was introduced in version 1.6.


Titanium ore is shaped very much like other ores once in inventory. It's darker in color, mostly shades of gray, and doesn't have bright metallic highlights.

When found unmined underground, it has three large, gray/green intrusions in its block.

Where Found

Titanium ore is most commonly found within the lower regions of the blockhead world underground near magma. Due to the inaccuracy of the exact depth average height of the magma at the very base of the world, it is unsure exactly how high above the magma region titanium ores are found, but although rare, titanium ore has been found most commonly within the region 200 blocks above the magma surface, and in reported cases, have been uncommonly found halfway between the surface and magma. Titanium ores are most commonly clumped in pairs.

Alternately, it can be produced by using the electric sluice on gravel (made from stone at an electric press). The drop rate of obtaining titanium ore through sluicing is 2% per block and it is thus considered a very rare ore.

Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Input Item 5 Crafted Output
+ + + + =
Electric Sluice Gravel [[]] [[]] [[]] [[]] Random Ore
Quantity 1 {{{Qty2}}} {{{Qty3}}} {{{Qty4}}} {{{Qty5}}} 1
Rush Cost
8 TC
4 TC

Using the electric sluice is generally more effective for getting titanium ore than mining it from a cave.


Three titanium ore will make one titanium ingot at an electric furnace.

Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Input Item 5 Crafted Output
+ + + + =
Electric Furnace Titanium Ore [[]] [[]] [[]] [[]] Titanium Ingot
Quantity 3 {{{Qty2}}} {{{Qty3}}} {{{Qty4}}} {{{Qty5}}} 1
Rush Cost
12 TC
6 TC


Like most items, titanium ore can be purchased through a trade portal of sufficient level.
