Electric Sluice

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Electric Sluice
Electric Sluice
Electric Sluice

Category Crafting Surface
Use Crafting
Stackable Yes (99)

"Find ores in gravel."

An electric sluice is a crafting surface that sifts through gravel for a random ore. It was introduced in version 1.6.


An electric sluice appears similar to a gray tray holding water and standing on legs.

When active, large white particles move about the top of the sluice while smaller white particles descend below it. These effects resemble splashing water, which is reinforced by a splashing sound.

Where Found

An electric sluice is made at the workbench for one steel block, one electric motor, one bucket of water, and ten copper wire. It has no upgrades.

Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Input Item 5 Crafted Output
+ + + + =
Lvl. 4 Workbench Steel Block Electric Motor Bucket Of Water Copper Wire [[]] Electric Sluice
Quantity 1 1 1 10 {{{Qty5}}} 1
Rush Cost


The following item can be created using an electric sluice:

Icon Name Slogan Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Rush Cost Double-Time
Random Ore Random Ore Strike it lucky. 1 x Gravel 8 TC 4

There is approximately a 25% chance of copper ore, 25% chance of tin ore, 20% chance of coal, 20% chance of iron ore, 6% chance of a gold nugget, 2% chance of titanium ore, and a 2% chance of a platinum nugget.


An electric sluice requires electricity as fuel.


Unlike most crafting surfaces, an electric sluice cannot be placed on a back wall if there is nothing underneath it.