Pause Menu
From The Blockheads Wiki

The Pause Menu is a part of the User Interface.
It offers several options:
- Exit to Menu (Exits to the world menu)
- Get Time Crystals (Opens the time crystal purchase menu)
- View Achievements (Opens the Game Center/Google Play achievements window)
- Help/Credits (Opens the combined help and credits window)
- Links (Has links to various The Blockheads-related places)
- The Blockheads App
- Invite To World... (Only on servers)
- World Owner Portal... (Only for owners of a server on a server they own)
- Blockheads Forums
- Options
- Restore Double-Time
- Classic Look (Allows it to be turned on/off)
- Control Options
- Ride Control (Allows users to select Tilt or D-Pad to control rideable entities)
- Blockheads D-Pad (Allows it to be turned on/off)
- D-Pad Side (Allows D-Pad to be on right/left side of the screen)
- Audio Options
- Music (Allows volume adjustment)
- Sound (Allows volume adjustment)
- World Options...
- (General options for Custom Worlds)
- Health (one hit kill, hard, normal, easy, infinite health)
- Hunger (hungrier, normal, fuller, always full)
- Happiness (sadder, normal, happier, always happy)
- Clothing Decay (no decay, slower, normal, faster)
- Tool Decay (no decay, slower, normal, faster)
- Death (no death, no RIP, normal, no regeneration, die on exit)
- Death drops (all items, some items, no items)
- Max Blockheads (1-5)
- Spawn Items (slots 1-7; default, empty, custom count 1-99 and item similar to a trade portal)
- NPC/Mob Difficulty (hard, normal, easy, passive)
- Trade Portals (normal, disabled, buy only, everything free, jobs only)
- Trade Prices (4x higher when buying, 10% higher when buying, buy and sell prices equal)
- Trade Portal Items (require discovery, all items available)
- Day/Night Cycle (slower, normal, faster)
- Sun Color (adjust Red, Green and Blue values from 0.0 to 2.0, normal is 1.0 for each)
- World Modification (enabled, admin only, disabled)
- Pole Items (respawns but wear out, one only but last forever)
- Teleportation (enabled, requires diamond portal, disabled)
- Meditation (enabled, disabled)
- (Server options)
- View/Edit Welcome Message (View can be used by all players; edit only for admins)
- PVP (Allows it to be turned on/off; admins only)
- Add Credit (Allows time crystals to be added to a cloud server's fund)
- Privacy (Public/Search/Private; owners only)
- Password (Allows password to be set; owners only)
- Owner Portal... (Goes to the owner portal, owners only)
- (General options for Custom Worlds)
- Resume (Unpauses the game)