HD Texture Pack

The HD Texture Pack is a feature introduced in update 1.4. It changes the appearance of all blocks, crafting surfaces, blockheads, and items to hand-painted, high-quality, versions. Like double-time, its effects apply in all worlds, including online servers, accessed by that device. As of version 1.7 it is free to use, and is the default texture pack. To disable it and restore the classic texture pack, one must enable the "Classic Look" option in the settings menu.
Before version 1.7, the feature could be purchased and restored in the Options menu of the Pause menu. It used to be able to be restored onto multiple devices if they used the same iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon account. Once purchased or restored, they could either be turned on and off for that device freely.
An in-game ad for the HD Texture Pack
A Blockhead standing with some HD Time Crystal Blocks