
From The Blockheads Wiki

How to use:

{{Bench|entry|crafted item name|slogan|qty. first|first|qty. second|second|qty. third|third|qty. fourth|fourth|qty. fifth|fifth|Time1=rush cost|Time2=rush cost with double-time}}
{{Bench|entry|crafted item name|slogan|qty. first|first|qty. second|second|qty. third|third|qty. fourth|fourth|qty. fifth|fifth|Time1=rush cost|Time2=rush cost with double-time}}


  • 1st: header or entry; defines what part
  • 2nd: name of the item being crafted
  • 3rd: slogan of item being crafted
  • 4th: quantity of first item needed
  • 5th: name of first item needed
  • 6th: quantity of second item needed (if needed)
  • 7th: name of second item needed (if needed)
  • 8th: quantity of third item needed (if needed)
  • 9th: name of third item needed (if needed)
  • 10th: quantity of fourth item needed (if needed)
  • 11th: name of fourth item needed (if needed)
  • 12th: quantity of fifth item needed (if needed)
  • 13th: name of fifth item needed (if needed)
  • Time1: rush cost w/o double-time
  • Time2: rush cost w/ double-time

Additional parameters:

  • image1: image file name for item being crafted if not at File:(item name) Icon.png
  • image2: image file name for first item needed if not at File:(item name) Icon.png
  • image3: image file name for second item needed if not at File:(item name) Icon.png
  • image4: image file name for third item needed if not at File:(item name) Icon.png
  • image5: image file name for fourth item needed if not at File:(item name) Icon.png
  • image6: image file name for fifth item needed if not at File:(item name) Icon. png
  • qo: quantity of output if greater than 1
  • pl: plural form of item name
  • p1: page for item being crafted if not at item name
  • p2: page for item first item needed if not at item name
  • p3: page for item second item needed if not at item name
  • p4: page for item third item needed if not at item name
  • p5: page for item fourth item needed if not at item name
  • p6: page for item fifth item needed if not at item name

Parameters should be called in this order: 1, (qo), 2, (pl), (p1), 3, 4, 5, (p2)...(13), (image1), (image2)...(image6)