Steel Downlight

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Steel Downlight
Steel Downlight
Steel Downlight

Category Tool
Use Light
Stackable Yes (99)

See also: Steel Lantern and Steel Uplight
"A directional spotlight."

Steel downlights are a directional version of the steel lantern. They were introduced in version 1.5.


A steel downlight is mostly gray, shaded to resemble steel. Flares on the side are meant to suggest a reflector, and the animated orange/yellow brightness on the bottom implies an internal flame.

Where Found

Steel downlights are produced at an electric or standard metalwork bench.

Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Input Item 5 Crafted Output
+ + + + =
Lvl. 1 Metalwork Bench or Electric Metalwork Bench Oil Glass Steel Ingot [[]] [[]] Steel Downlight
Quantity 1 1 1 {{{Qty4}}} {{{Qty5}}} 5
Rush Cost


Like a steel lantern, a steel downlight can be placed on any back wall, side or top of a solid block, and even on leaves or tree trunks. Despite the utility of doing so, they cannot be placed on the underside of a block if there is no back wall. They are also waterproof, and won't be dislodged by water, whether flowing or stationary.

The light given off is of similar intensity to a steel lantern, traveling approximately 24 blocks from the source, but mostly downward without a great deal of spreading.

If dropped on the ground it will produce a faint light source.


The first time a player has a blockhead place either a steel downlight or uplight, they will earn the achievement "Spotlight."