
Template:Item Infobox: Difference between revisions

From The Blockheads Wiki
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{{Item Infobox
| Name =
| Image = [[Image:Insert Large Image Name Here|140px]]
| Imageicon = [[Image:Insert Icon Image Name Here|40px]]
| Category =
| Use =
| Location/Made On =
| Needs =
| Stackable =
* '''Name''' - Name of item as it appears in game
* '''Image''' - Large image of item. The image is resized to 140px.
* '''Imageicon''' - Small icon image of item. The image is resized to 40px
* '''Category''' - Defined category of item. (ie. Apple is categorized as Food)
* '''Use''' - Primary use of item (ie. Food, Farming, Crafting, Construction, etc.)
* '''Location/Made On''' - Where item can be found.
* '''Needs''' - If craftable item, items required to craft it.
* '''Stackable''' - Is the item stackable and if so, maximum limit (ie. No, Yes (99)
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