Ice Torch

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Ice Torch
Ice Torch
Ice Torch

Use Light
Stackable Yes (99)

An ice torch is an item that when placed gives off a small light radius. It will not start a fire, even if placed directly on wood.

Where Found

They are found in the lair of cave trolls, usually in pairs. They can also be purchased at a level 5 trade portal.


The top of an ice torch is a light blue, and flickers like a flame. The bottom stick part is a light bluish-gray color. The whole torch takes up one block.


An ice torch is somewhat useful as a light source, and are similar to a basic torch with a bluish tint. It may be placed on the top, side, or back wall of solid blocks. Also like a basic torch, it will be dislodged by flowing or standing water.

An ice torch lowers the temperature of nearby blocks to the point of harming a blockhead if the surrounding temperature is cold enough. At the center of the world, ice torches and ice armor will reduce the amount of harm the heat will inflict.

If they are arranged correctly, water near an ice torch will freeze into ice. Changed conditions or removing the torch will allow the ice to melt back into water.
