Fish Bucket

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See also: Tin Bucket, Bucket Of Water, and Shark Bucket
Fish Bucket
Fish Bucket
Fish Bucket

Category Tool
Use Farming
Stackable Yes (99)

A fish bucket is a bucket containing a fish.


A fish bucket generally resembles other types of buckets, but with light blue for water and an orange and white fish tail protruding. (A shark bucket shows a different colored tail, a bucket of water shows no tail, and an empty bucket shows black shadow.)

Where Found

Fish can be caught by tapping the bucket on the fish. The fish in the bucket goes into the Blockhead's inventory. Depending on the location tapped, water may also be removed from the location tapped.


When emptied by tapping on an open location, an empty bucket is returned to the blockhead's inventory. A fish and block of water are placed in the location tapped, with the water flowing as normal.

The only known uses for a fish bucket are transporting a fish to a new location, looking interesting on a shelf, and for selling on a trade portal.