
Dodos are passive creatures found throughout a blockhead's world. They are a source of several items used as food as well as items that are used in the crafting process. A dodo's preferred food is apples.
Dodos are short, flightless birds. Their bodies are red with a splash of purple towards the back. They have blue heads and feet, as well as long beaks shading from light near the head to black at the tip. Baby dodos were added in the version 1.7 update.
Other breeds of dodos are recognizable by the colors and patterns on their undersides and backsides.
Where Found
Dodos randomly appear near apple trees or hatch as babies from placed dodo eggs or resource eggs and can be found in nearly all temperate biome regions, especially in areas with an abundance of apple trees.
It is possible to deliberately generate dodos in a selected area by planting apple trees or placing eggs there.
Dodo are typically solitary animals but may have presocial behavior when other dodo birds are in the area. They can be found walking or pecking the ground. Like most creatures, they cannot climb a two-block change in height. They occasionally squawk when a blockhead is in the vicinity and when provoked or attacked will attempt to flee from a blockhead.
Tamed dodos may follow a blockhead. This effect may be enhanced if the blockhead has apples in their inventory.
There is no noticeable difference in behavior between the different breeds of dodo.
Beginning in version 1.7, dodos have a hunger bar that steadily decreases. Laying an egg will sharply reduce a dodo's hunger bar. It is restored a large amount when the dodo eats an apple, either by moving over one that is loose on the ground, passing a Feeder Chest that contains an apple, or having a blockhead feed them one. A tamed dodo's hunger bar may be viewed by tapping on it and selecting the button with its name, but will also be visible over a tamed dodo that is sufficiently hungry.
If a dodo's hunger bar runs low enough, it will squawk at least three times before dying.
- See also: Pet
Introduced in version 1.7, dodos are tamed by feeding them three apples; both baby and adult dodos may be tamed, although they will tend to be grown before becoming fully tamed. A dodo will only accept being fed when its hunger bar has reduced (which is not visible for untamed dodos). Once tamed, a dodo will be assigned a random name that will appear over it. It can then be tapped on to show a menu with the type of dodo breed and three buttons: Set Free, Ride, and the dodo's name.
Tapping "Set Free" will make the dodo no longer tamed, prompting it to squawk and jump. It usually can be re-tamed by feeding it at least once.
Tapping "Ride" will cause the active blockhead to climb up on the selected dodo and ride it. See Riding (below).
Tapping the dodo's name button will call up a window displaying the dodo's health and hunger bars as well as the dodo's name. The dodo can be renamed by tapping on the pencil button to the right of the dodo's name.
- See also: Creature Hit Chart
A dodo is not a hardy creature, usually falling within a few hits from a particular weapon or tool. Whether dying on its own or killed, a dying dodo makes a distinctive "squawk" sound and drops items. A tamed dodo's health bar may be viewed by tapping on it and selecting the button with its name.
Untamed dodos will die from old age and hunger. This may happen sooner if no living apple trees are nearby.
Dodos are not affected by heat or cold, but can drown if submerged in water.
Dodos are a source of five things:
- Travel - Beginning in version 1.7, tapping an adult tamed (named) dodo will allow a blockhead to mount the dodo and ride it.
- Dodo Eggs - Randomly dropped by a dodo when provoked, frightened, or at random intervals.
- Resource Eggs - Sometimes dropped instead of a regular dodo egg. Each type stacks separately. There appear to be 32 different resource egg types. These never drop dodo meat and feathers, unlike Dodo Eggs.
- Dodo Meat - Randomly dropped by a dodo when it dies.
- Dodo Feathers - Randomly dropped by a dodo when it dies.
When killed, a dodo will drop one piece of meat and up to one feather. (Prior to version 1.7, they'd tend to drop more feathers.)
- See also: Breeding
Added in version 1.7, dodos can develop new breeds through the eggs they lay. The breed hatched will depend on the egg used. Breeds are identifiable by the color and pattern of their undersides and backsides. A normal dodo egg will hatch a basic dodo. A resource egg will hatch a dodo breed of that resource. The breeds include:
- Dodos (basic dodo) may lay dirt, wood, or stone resource eggs.
- Dirt dodos may lay clay, compost, and flint resource eggs.
- Stone dodos may lay limestone, copper, amethyst, and gravel resource eggs.
Based on the egg extractor's menu, there are a total of 33 possible dodo breeds (including basic).