North Pole Hat Of Warmth
From The Blockheads Wiki
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The North Pole Hat of Warmth is an article of clothing that prevents a blockhead from getting cold in cold places.
Where Found
Unlike most clothing, the North Pole Hat of Warmth is found, not made at the tailor's bench. It is located at the top of the North Pole. A blockhead will need to use ladders or blocks to construct a way to the top.
A blockhead wearing this hat will be highly resistant if not immune to the effects of cold weather.
The North Pole Hat Of Warmth cannot be dyed and before version 1.7 did not wear out.
Also beginning with version 1.7, the hat reappears on top of the North Pole 40 in-game days after they wear out.
Hat of Warmth at the top of The North Pole