Each world starts with one portal through which the first Blockhead enters. The portal can subsequently be used to craft items, make in-app purchases, and warp in up to three additional Blockheads.
With the proper resources, a portal can be used to "warp in" a variety of items. Without upgrades, the only item that can be obtained is a Workbench. With upgrades, a gempickaxe or various ores or ingots can also be acquired.
Portal upgrades require a gem of the correct type and a number time crystals dependent on the upgrade. The progression of upgrades seems to parallel the rarity of the gems used.
Additional Portals
A level 2 workbench can be used to create additional portals for one stone and 100 time crystals. These portals are level 1 and placed directly into a Blockhead's inventory. They can then be placed much as any other crafting surface except that they are three block spaces tall. This is because they have both a portal's two-high "loop" and a single stone block as a base.
Unlike a world's default portal, the block an added portal stands on is patterned as placed stone, not smooth, natural stone. They also offer the option of being picked up and relocated by a Blockhead. Like the original portal, it can be upgraded and produce any of the appropriate products.
Warp In Blockhead
You can warp in up to four total Blockheads. The first Blockhead in a world is always free, the next three cost 50 time crystals and five (5) randomly decided fruit.