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Revision as of 21:01, 23 March 2015 by >TheEighthDay (A message from TheEighthDay)
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TheEighthDay is a long term Blockheads player, having downloaded the game when it first came out onto his now ancient iPod 4, which he still uses solely for the purpose of playing on his oldest and richest Blockheads world. New to the Blockheads Wiki as of May 2015, TheEighthDay knows a good deal about the game but is always eager to learn more.


I am assuming that everyone who is reading this knows how to start off a basic game, so I'll stick to my favorite tips and tricks for advanced players. - Once a player obtains the level 6 trade portal, he or she should start crafting and selling Gold Spades. It takes three Gold Ingots and one Stick to craft a Gold Spade, but in the Trade Portal, one can sell each spade for anywhere between 16 and 19 Platinum Coins, as far as I have seen. The player can then easily convert just one of these Platinum Coins into 100 Gold Coins, and then smelt them down using the Furnace or Electric Furnace into ten Gold Bars, which can then be used with more sticks to create more Golden Spades, thus creative a infinite supply of Platinum, Gold, and Copper (if converted to Copper Coins).

- Also, what I spend much of my time doing when I am not busy searching for Titanium (the bane of my existence, as I have never found more than one in a single location), is farming. What I prefer to do is cover a large plot of land in Compost (now easily obtainable due to the Compost Bin) and then plant Coffee Tree's using Coffee Cherries, and in between the trees I plant Sunflower seeds. This provides me with ample Coffee Beans (vital for the production of Coffee, an absolute necessity for my Blockheads) and sunflower seeds, which, at a Press or Electic Press, can each be used to make two Oil with minimum effort, thus eliminating the need for mining for Oil, however simple a task it may be.

- Another useful project I completed was the construction of a well. In order for this to work, you must be close enough to an ocean or body of water that the water can reach your well without drying up. I merely dug a long subterranean aqueduct from a nearby ocean to a well nearby my residence, which then I sped up the process of filling by placing buckets of water in the tunnel. This would obviously work much better if the player built his or her home nearby a mountain with a lake on top. This is not a perfect design, and I would be open to suggestions on how to improve it. Be warned, Sharks can enter the aqueduct of it is at sea level.