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'''Space''' is a location that is about 300 blocks above the surface of the [[World|world]] of ''The Blockheads''.
'''Space''' is a location that is about 300 blocks above the surface of the [[World|world]] of ''The Blockheads''.

Once you reach Space you will be greeted by an [[Achievements|achievement]] and the [[Breath Bar|breath bar]]. Also, in space it is extremely cold, so make sure to bring a [[Fur Coat|fur coat]] to prevent taking damage from the cold.
Space is the layers of defined block volumes above where [[Air|air]] exists. There is no barrier to reaching it other than the necessity of [[Construction|building]] a way to get there. Space is also extremely cold.

Once a player has a [[Blockhead]] reach space for the first time they will be greeted by the [[Achievements|achievement]] announcement for "[[Space Climber]]."
Any time a Blockhead's head is in space, its [[Breath Bar|breath bar]] will appear and begin decreasing. There is also an ongoing chance of the Blockhead taking damage much as it would in cold [[Weather|weather]]. Wearing a [[Fur Coat|fur coat]] will reduce the chance of the latter.
What most people call "space" is the rarefied layers or vacuum above the Earth's breathable atmosphere. While it can't be breathed, it isn't actually cold because vacuum doesn't conduct heat. The lack of air pressure can also cause liquids to boil at lower temperatures, which may draw heat from objects they're touching. Yet objects in space can overheat more easily than they can freeze.
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