North Pole Hat Of Warmth

Revision as of 20:51, 26 December 2013 by >Abcboy

The North Pole Hat of Warmth is an article of clothing that prevents a Blockhead from getting cold in cold places.

North Pole Hat Of Warmth
North Pole Hat Of Warmth
North Pole Hat Of Warmth

Category Clothing
Use Prevents Coldness
Stackable Yes (99)

Where Found

Unlike most clothing, the North Pole Hat of Warmth is found, not made at the tailor's bench. It is located at the top of the North Pole. A Blockhead will need to use ladders or blocks to construct a way to the top.


A Blockhead wearing this hat will be highly resistant if not immune to the effects of cold weather.


The South Pole Boots of Speed cannot be dyed and do not wear out.

There is only one created per world. Additional hats may enter a world via portal chest, however.
