
Revision as of 10:53, 28 October 2013 by >McClaw (→‎Style Guidelines)

Style Guidelines

  1. Use start case (capitalization of all words, regardless of the part of speech) for page names (e.g. Carrot On A Stick) and captions
  2. Page titles should use the exact name from the game, but not necessarily the same case (see the first guideline)
  3. Page titles should be singular except when the name of a single unit of the item in the game is plural
  4. Internal links should display grammatically correct case (e.g. the link for the page Carrot on a Stick at the start of a sentence would be: [[Carrot on a Stick|Carrot on a stick]])
  5. Image links must display thumbnails 300px wide (e.g. the link would be [[File:foo.png|thumb|300px|foo being pecked to death by a dodo]])
  6. Images should only be centered on the page if inserted at the end of a paragraph to illustrates a specific point from the preceding paragraph
  7. Images should have captions describing the subject of interest for the page
  8. Use spoiler tags (<spoiler></spoiler>) for spoily information

Word/Sentence Structure

  1. Nouns within articles should not be preceded with possessive determiners. (e.g. Incorrect- "your Blockhead", "his shoes". Correct- "a Blockhead", "a Blockhead's shoes").
  2. Articles should be written using third tense. No second tense pronouns should be used (e.g. Incorrect - You should first build a campfire. Correct - A Blockhead should first build a campfire). It is understood that it is a player who controls the device, game, and initiates a Blockhead's actions. However, it is Blockheads that ultimately perform the action in game. Articles should be written with this in mind.

Using the Wiki

Consult the MediaWiki User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.