
Revision as of 13:29, 4 March 2013 by >McClaw

Trees are a type of plant that has leaves and a trunk. They are a good source for wood, sticks, and for most, fruit. They provide no protection from the weather. Multiple trees in an area may be considered a forest.


All trees have distinct patterns for their trunk and leaves, making them easier to identify. The trunk is a vertical series of brown to gray blocks that can be walked in front of. Trunks connect to the ground and have no gaps.

Leaves are usually some shade of green and formed in an open pattern. Some trees have leaves that change color as they go through the seasons, particularly those native to temperate regions. While a leaf pattern may overlay one or more segments of a tree's trunk, they're still part of the trunk.

Maple and pine trees tend to grow the tallest.


Trees spawn when certain types of fruit or seeds are planted in the right soil. After growing large enough, they will begin producing the same fruit or seed in the proper season, located in front of one of their blocks of leaves. As with other plants, trees can spawn spontaneously near another tree of their type.

Fruit or seeds are added to a Blockhead's Inventory by passing through the space they're in or tapping on them and letting the Blockhead collect them once they're adjacent.

Leaves can be harvested for sticks. Best results are achieved by using a machete.

Trunks can be harvested for wood. Best results are achieved by using an axe.

All trees will eventually die and despawn. A dead tree will have its leaves change to a pattern of sparse, irregular black lines and its trunk to smoothly blended browns in vertical stripes. It will then begin despawning from the top down a layer at a time. Most objects suspended on the tree will fall to the ground as their layer despawns. Occasionally despawning leaves will drop sticks and despawning trunks will spawn wood, but this varies based on the type of tree. If a Blockhead is quick enough, they may harvest wood from a dying tree trunk, but there have been no reports of harvesting sticks from the leaves of a dying tree.

Types of Trees

A cactus may be considered a tree for classification purposes, but cannot produce wood and dies differently.
