World Credit

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World Credit allows additional time to be added to a cloud server. You can buy world credit through in-app purchases.

HD Icon
Time Cost
7 Days $0.99 (USD)
30 Days $2.99 (USD) (save ~$1.25)

Once available world credit runs out, that server is inaccessible. However, everything is still there, waiting for it to receive more credit.

As the above table shows, larger purchases cost less per day of world credit. Servers must be created with seven or more days of credit. The maximum credit a world can be given is 99 days.


  • Before 1.7, world credit used to be bought using time crystals, but due to extreme piracy, majicDave decided to switch to real money instead.
  • Before 1.7, there was also a 1-day world credit option for 100 TC, with 7 days being 600 TC (saving 100 TC), and 30 days being 2000 TC (saving 600 TC).