The Blockheads Wiki:Suggestions/Archive 2
This is The Blockheads Wiki's page for suggestions for The Blockheads. Click here to create a new section. You can comment on previous suggestions by clicking the edit button on the section header. This page will be archived when it reaches 100 sections.
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Let's make compost a little more trouble. When unattended (has grass on top and no tree or plant sprouted), allow it to spawn the new plant "weed." Weeds propagate readily, drop seeds repeatedly, last a long time, and neither its seeds nor the stem/leaf (acquired when the lower plant despawns) has any practical value. Or maybe a lot of the stuff could be pressed into a single dose of poison. --McClaw (talk) 14:11, 6 April 2014 (MDT)
Alternate use for poison
A possible trick for poison (instead of the bow): plant killer. Apply a single drop of poison to a plant or tree to quickly despawn the whole thing. To make this more desirable, have the despawning generate a near maximum of drops. --McClaw (talk) 14:13, 6 April 2014 (MDT)
Gold axe, machete, and sword
There's now a gold bow to go with the spade and pickaxe, so what about the other tools? Maybe instead of generating special bonuses, they could have a "gem pickaxe" effect on harvests, producing multiples / maximums of wood, sticks, or whatever. --McClaw (talk) 14:16, 6 April 2014 (MDT)
North Pole * Of *
Having two special function hats forced choosing which to have: warmth or food. What if the North Pole Hat Of Warmth was changed into the "North Pole Coat of Comfort"? It could resist both cold and heat, and be worn along with the other three unique items. --McClaw (talk) 14:18, 6 April 2014 (MDT)
More blockhead options
Just more access to their appearance and name, really. Say a larger view of the blockhead's appearance when preparing to warp one in, possibly with more than "Random" as an option (allowing specific features to be selected). Also maybe a way to rename an existing blockhead (at a portal?), although this might work better restricted to single-player mode. --McClaw (talk) 14:22, 6 April 2014 (MDT)
Personalized skins
there should be personalized skins in the game. you can create your own skin for your blockhead, and when you spawn in from the portal you can choose the created skin for an extra 10 time crystals. To change an already existing blockheads skin would cost 20 time crystals. there would be a new section in the main menu, with the title "skins", and then from there "edit a skin", "create new skin", and "created skins" to view the skins. it would add personalized and unique blockheads. the only downside to this is "what if someone uses an exploit skin?" well, just like if someone would swear in chat (in most servers), you can just ban that person. no different from any other thing people with bad intentions do.
I don't like how to blockheads can die but u might not want to change that so if u die Maybe u can pay time Crystals to get your stuff back
Whales and animals
I now there's sharks and fish but maybe there can be more kind of fish like puffer fish and stuff maybe whales dolphins squids and deer bear turtles birds Tigers polar bears and more cool stuff
More animal stuff
I think it'd be cool if could be camels in the desert or bears in the mountains also horses . I want to be able to breed the animals. They could be different colors. I wanted to suggest pets at first ( dog) but I don't think it would fit in the game just putting it out there though. I think you should add more animals like sheep.
Adding on- Wolves could be added, and, although similar to Minecraft, could be tamed to follow you around and protect you. Just an idea.
More fun (though it is fun now)
I love Blockheads so far. But I think we should have more valuables like pearls and opals. Or talc and corundum. Maybe topaz. We can maybe have snow blocks if we delete frozen sand. That would be nice. Also, we can make gold blocks and snow blocks. Maybe we can even warp 10 blockheads with valuables. How about ice chandeliers? So we can make ice castles and give it a final touch? Ooh, how about cotton? And velvet? And dogs we can train? When we kill a dog (either wild or trained) we get three fur. When they use the bathroom in a tree, they drop compost. Also, they can be leashed with one stick and one string. How about fishing nets made with two sticks and three string? So we can catch fish and put them in a cup with water. Crafted with one glass. We can fill it with water ourselves. Maybe we can make comfy chairs. Sofas! Yea. Ooh, how about 30 or 50 blockheads?! Awesome! Maybe we can hang a photo on our wall. We can put it in a frame. Crafted by two wood. How about candles? With one ember and one oil. Yea. Maybe we can color our walls a color of our own choice (maybe even paint our walls like an image in our camera roll.) We can triple-click the walls to paint. Then we can paint it the way we paint a picture in an easel. We can clear a wall by triple clicking it again. You know those cups I mentioned earlier? We could collect up to 4 things inside it, like a basket. Please choose one of my wacky ideas. Thanks, keep it going, Blockheads Crew!!!!!
Every once in awhile the game plays music like famous songs and whatnot. I wanna know what they mean and stuff --Chimecho12345 (talk) 22:52, 25 April 2014 (MDT)
- The list of music has been published, just click Help/Credits when in-game. The list is also available here —Craig.Davison TALK 06:16, 6 July 2014 (MDT)
Make gold nuggets
Gold nuggets are good for only two things: making gold ingots and upgrading a non-electric furnace so steel (and gold ingots) can be made. But the only sources of gold nuggets are deep mining and a trade portal. Would it hurt to have a way to turn a found gold ingot, gold coin(s) or golden chest into gold nuggets before having a lvl 3 furnace? --McClaw (talk) 19:57, 29 April 2014 (MDT)
You can buy the gold nuggets at the trading portal--Anonymus (talk) 18:48, 14 August 2014 (MDT)
Yeah stupid
For Android
I think that they should ad the game network option in android, so that you can have less lag and play with only one friend, like in all of the IOS versions. Android versions can not host a game or join a local game like the IOS can. also, make it compatible between android AND IOS devices, like minecraft Pocket Edition. It will be good for the community. It should go local as they will be able to play with friends and family.
Planes? Bigger Boats?
on the thought of trains and donkeys... i think that planes would be an interesting addition as laying down trains can be tedious for long train like from pole to pole.. it would be nice esp for the up to ten players.. instead of having five or so passenger trains... you could have just a plane.. idk... maybe cargo planes as well.. and on the... what about bigger boats... with chests.. it'd be like a yacht or fishing... possible a houseboat... idk.. Also maybe a that is beyond expensive so you could get into space with it instead of piling up and the making an elevator. There could also be the ability to go to the moon and mars and making a space station while in space. And the workbench you need should run on electricity. just some thoughts... keep trying!
Comment to above point: I agree to your point. Since multiple blockheads can travel on land at the same time by locomotive and passenger carts, why not make somethings for water such as a canoe which will allow multiple blockheads to move across water with the help of only one blockhead. Aero planes, helicopters etc could also transport multiple blockheads by air.--Devaughn (talk) 09:14, 10 July 2014 (MDT)
I was thinking that maybe we can build a rocket to go to space with proper outfits to go to space so we don't take ages to go to space and will not die after our efforts to reach space. 17:57, 28 Sept 2014 [( User talk: JellyJoy2001)]
I was like the bigger boat idea and it would nice if you could have space so you could ride a donkey on it and then ride it across without the donkey getting off and maybe being able to set a course and let the boat head off without having to be on that blockheads screen.Joshua Lonuzzo (talk) 14:31, 23 February 2015 (MST)
Goats are a--holes. But it would be cool to see them in the mountains.
this is all true. -venturianlvr
Other New Stuff
About other stuff? Tables? We can just craft them in a woodwork bench, and, try rockets, submarines, glass doors, new animals, and many more. I suggest new food such as popcorn. like, craft popcorn in an electric stove using three corn and one iron pot. New fruits too. Grapes, melons, and bananas. Vegetables too. like tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, cucumber, and pumpkins. I want to craft guitars. Try this idea, and make one using string and wood. Technology? I want technology. We can start by, crafting phones, computers and, instead of lanterns and chandeliers, Light bulbs! We can try to use phones in multiplayer, and we can try to make televisions too. Mirrors! It can be easily made just using four glass. Instead of linen caps and hats, leather hats or fur caps. If you are lost, about maps? try placing the maps on the wall. And when the blockhead clicks the map you can see your way out. You can make a fridge, for your kitchen. You can place your food inside. -Theyoloest blockhead :)
yeah if we can have electric stoves and kilns why not light bulbs? why not drills that can dig for us just put coal or something in it. It could be made with a drill(which could be made with steel or something ,it could lvl up with other ores) and a furnace.
My cousin's new suggestions
my cousin wants to have something new in the workbench... like a drink maker and smoothie maker! She says she wants to make it out of: one iron block, copper wire, and... a cup. new drinks like... apple juice, made out of apple, bucket of water, cup and some ice cubes! we can make them by freezing them in a fridge with one ice tray, and one bucket of water. orange juice, mango juice, and many more. She says she wants new trees like a cacao tree, and make some hot chocolate, using an iron pot, molds, and chocolate. she says she also wants to make chocolate bars, too. Also, she suggests towels out of linen, and dye them whatever we want. She wants to craft an umbrella, using linen and sticks.My other cousin said, he suggested a smoothie maker. apple smoothie, orange smoothie, mango smoothie, avocado smoothie, banana smoothie, and coconut smoothie. French fries too. He also suggested lasers, to kill players in multiplayer and rip their clothes. poisoned sword, with any kind of sword, and some poison. new animals too. snakes. He also suggested something Horrible things in our environment, like a thunderstorm,to destroy easy-to-break houses and buildings. He wants, space suits and air tanks. and when you reach space, and he wants other planets. He wants new enemies, like aliens. And he says, when you kill one alien, it drops some armor and laser guns. Also GIANT SQUIDS...
or showers and sinks and other bathroom stuff, and I agree with other animals and weather what about new things to ride LIKE ELEPHANTS!!!
New tools and ingots
I want to suggest new ingots, such as...
Amethyst ingot
Sapphire ingot
Emerald ingot
Ruby ingot
Diamond ingot
And we can use them to make tools and weapons! Amethyst spade, Amethyst machete, Amethyst pickaxe, Amethyst sword, Amethyst bow and arrows, Amethyst bow and poisoned arrows or, Amethyst flaming bow and arrows, with just a little help from ember, and, Amethyst flaming sword, or... Amethyst flaming poisoned sword or Amethyst flaming poisoned bow and arrows. And... Other sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, and Diamond tools, and weapons. please try one of my ideas. and, can we use buckets to scoop lava, to create basalt?
- Well we already have gem tools...The amount of tools in the game is quite high and we have one for every type of level. For example the tin spade already digs dirt in an instant so why would there need to be a better tool? —Craig.Davison TALK 06:22, 6 July 2014 (MDT)
Adding new tools such as a hoe would be good, hoes could work faster at ground bushes like flax, carrots, corn, and sunflowers. If the hoe is able to be used in the game, machetes are no longer to be used, instead machetes should only be able to be used on branches of trees.
Death Option
You should make an option for being able to die. Some people don't like the dying option and this could solve it
Transfer worlds
You should be able to transfer worlds from one device to another. I have to use my iPhone 4 when playing blockheads because it has my favorite worlds. I I now have an iPhone 5s and I wish that I can transfer my worlds to this new device because this is very inconvenient. Please consider this suggestion.
- As with many other iOS apps, the data syncs between devices which are connected on the same iTunes account. This may be a useful idea but syncing via wi-fi would probably be more stable than anything used within the app —Craig.Davison TALK 06:25, 6 July 2014 (MDT)
A note:You could host it at the menu.Emmet Lego (talk) 03:12, 8 February 2015 (MST)
A few ideas for the game
I have thought of a few ideas for the game that would make it more in depth.first,i would like to suggest that there would be sickness in the game caused by things such as being exposed to the cold for too long or maybe have a 15-20 percent chance of being poisoned when attacked by a order to cure this,you would need to use an antidote in order to cure said sickness and poisoning.(I can't think of a recipe in order to make it).secondly,I'd like to suggest that there'd be a meditation mat of some sort made in a Tailor bench with 6 linen and 3 feathers.this could be used to speed up the meditation process,allowing to get more items faster.thirdly,I'd like to suggest that we could integrate cotton into the game,which would be used to create clothing such as leather and fur would.and lastly,I think that flowers and pots could be a nice addition as it would be used as a nice decoration
Transportation Ideas
Maybe add some planes made out of steel ingots and copper wires and steel blocks iron blocks and engines generators etc? And make a landing pad and like plane stuff. Also please add submarines cause it would be really cool especially if it could shoot stuff at sharks and fishes to kill them. I also wish that you can have maybe jetpacks? And for the planes, maybe you can add birds so if you hit a bird the plane crashes and your blockheads ice and you have to bring a special jetpack so you can fly off if the plane crashes? It might be hard to animate Into the game but these are just suggestions to add into the game if possible! Love the game!<3
You should add explosives to blockheads. I thought about the greifers and came up with a solution, explosives would be enabled on single player worlds, but not multiplayer. You may ask, "if I host my world as multiplayer, will my explosives despawn?" The answer is no, they would not despawn, players on your would, including you would not be able to use explosives until the multiplayer session is over, once the session is over, you would be able to use explosives again. Explosive blocks could be made with a "explosives" work bench, you can make C4, dynamite (TNT), and other types of explosives. Explosives can be made of gunpowder, that can be mined or dug up from the ground. You can use explosives to mine, clear bushes and trees, or level ground. After blowing up anything, some blocks from what you blew up will be left for you to collect.
More drinks
Since coffee is the only drink, I thought why not add more drinks such as milk, water, juice etc. Many others have also suggested for an update like this. The Blockheads could also add a thirst bar, but the thirst bar would be optional and could be disabled if the user wants to..--Devaughn (talk) 09:03, 10 July 2014 (MDT)
Or the hunger bar could be changed to hunger and thirst? Amalolz (talk) 10:08, 2 September 2014 (MDT)
Good idea ;) --Devaughn (talk) 12:18, 2 September 2014 (MDT)
Good idea but bad idea about thirst.Emmet Lego (talk) 03:14, 8 February 2015 (MST)
Train cars for water, ice to water melter and elevators to lift water up
Train cars for water would carry 50 blocks worth of water. Train cars for water would require one iron block and 4 train wheels.
Ice to water melter would melt ice into water and require wood to fuel it. Ice to water melter would require one level one furnace and one iron block.
Elevators to lift water up would bring water up. Example: blockhead has a canal for boats that is 13 blocks above sea level and wants to bring water up to his canal without buckets or ice, so he uses a water elevator to lift the water up to his canal. A water elevator would require 1 elevator shaft, 5 wood, and 10 string, to make 5 water elevators. A water elevator motor would require one elevator motor and one train wheel to make one water elevator motor. The top of the water elevator would require one water elevator motor and the bottom of the water elevator would require one water elevator motor.
Oil tank crafting surface
Like solar cells, flywheels, or steam generators, an oil tank would be used to support other crafting surface, not create anything itself. An oil tank would support the non-electric versions of a furnace, metalwork bench, kiln, or a steam generator. If pipes are not available (functioning much like copper wire but for oil), the tank would need to be directly adjacent to the supplied crafting surface. So long as the oil tank isn't empty, the supplied crafting surface would not have its fuel bar diminish; the tank's fuel bar would reduce instead. The oil tank would be refilled similarly to the steam generator, by tapping on it and then tapping the only refueling button available (for oil). An expansion on the idea would be upgrading a steam locomotive by adding an oil tank (making it a diesel locomotive) or a boat (along with a steam engine, making it a power boat). --McClaw (talk) 22:23, 18 July 2014 (MDT)
Pandas and Bamboo
Pandas because they're Awesome!!
Transfer Single player to multiplayer
In the menu, an option where you can transfer a single player world to a multiplayer world, for an amount of time crystals, of course. --User:N
You can host your singleplayer world as multiplayer world in the options for free--Anonymus (talk) 18:54, 14 August 2014 (MDT)
Yea, but I think user:N means so you can turn your single player world into a server world, anyways they should also let you be able to make a server world for like 10 time crystals- not 600 !!!! Amalolz (talk) 10:12, 3 September 2014 (MDT)
Yeah I did meant that, that you could turn a single player where you already have a house and things like that into a server.
And I can't host my single player as multiplayer, because I have an Android phone
N (talk) 06:51, 19 December 2014 (MST)
More stuff
Can u make 3d a option for worlds? I am trying not to base this on minecraft. There will village and people in it that u can marry, ring 1st- 1 silver ingot, that marry with gold right with gem cost - 1 gold and any gem, the more it cost the more of the chance to marry her/he. Also can they trade with u and u can steal their farm and take their chest. More food like lemon, chocolate bar, coco, pineapple, grape, burger, steak, pork, rib, fish soup, chicken soup, milk, cheese, and wheat or rye or bamboo Add more animal like panda, pig, cow, sheep, goat, unicorn(rare), horse, people, chicken, other fish from lake or ocean, deer, turtle and sea turtle, carb , skimp, and elf and dragon Add more world like dragon world that u need dragon ore to build with ten block or robot world Also add plane, bird, jet pack, car, people who work, travel to other countries or state that a lot of oil but it will tell u what state or countries u are in, make animal parents protect their babies/baby PvP enable make sure nobody's kill anyone
Add zombie and other creature that kill u Add job for villager like doctor,cooker, blusher, miner, builder, and adoption center Add bull Hat- top hat, trucker hat, and cap Shirt- t-shirt, suit, jacket with or without hoodie, Pant- suit pant Shoe- Nike, Michel Jordan, and fubu Add more sword, pick,axe,shovel Add holiday and what they do Add toilet,tub,shower, towel, sink, toilet paper or poop stain, and where the poop go in and out Add zoo,shop ex( walmart) , gun, cop, firefighter, sport Last thing add mini game Add biome like jungle, snow, hill, mountain, ocean, lake, taiga, tundra, desert, Please add in grill Chickenking out Please - dog or cat and fox Earbud and headphone to talk to people Dish and cup and tv Stake boat
that sounds soooo epic.But maybe that could be its own app, like same graphics but different objective. though I completely agree about having unicorns !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amalolz (talk) 10:13, 3 September 2014 (MDT)
Improving Weapons
Many people would like to be stronger than others. If two people have full armor and strong weapons, it is likely they are even in fighting. Perhaps enhancing/enchanting weapons, armor, tools etc will make one person stronger than the other. It would be cool if food and other stuff could be enhanced so the person could gain more health or hunger. --Devaughn (talk) 06:45, 21 July 2014 (MDT)
Creative Mode
Many people would like to build their own type of castles, houses etc. Unfortunately, many people are short on resources/money to make their structures. Making creative worlds might be bad if they were online because hosts or others might take advantage of creative mode and destroy others structures. However, it would cool if creative was there at least in single player, so people can build whatever they want to. --Devaughn (talk) 06:54, 21 July 2014 (MDT)
That is a very good idea. It would make the game way better. Kairobin17 (talk) 09:12, 3 December 2014 (MST) A note:This could be coolEmmet Lego (talk) 06:55, 2 January 2015 (MST)Emmet Lego
Another Dimension
I would like portals in the world that could take blockheads to another dimension, perhaps to get rare stuff like diamonds or new stuff that cannot be found in normal worlds. --Devaughn (talk) 07:01, 21 July 2014 (MDT)
Yea I thought that when I downloaded the app - I was actually a little disappointed :/ Amalolz (talk) 10:14, 2 September 2014 (MDT)
Think about the lag there would be... N (talk) 06:46, 19 December 2014 (MST)
Yeah like... NONE cuz of how AWESOME the programmers are at making no lag!!!!!! Will the BEAST (talk) 17:58, 5 March 2015 (MST)
Block Making
It would be amazing if you could make blocks, just keep the block size requirements, not to big or small, look up TECHNE, a model program, and make the block making feature like that. The "Block Maker," should require a level 5 workbench, needing a Gold Block for the upgrade. The texture would be like green and red paint that had been splashed on wood, (plank style) covering the whole thing. The level 5 workbench should look like a gold workbench. Add a "make a block" thing you can craft, requiring 1 gold ingot. After creating the TECHNE like model, a texture maker should load up, with a color pallet, (wide variety.) You can rotate the model and hide pieces from view to make the texture maker easier. The model should be displayed, you choose a color, fill the pixels of the model, then hit done, loading an "Are you sure?" message. Next, you will be asked to put in your 3 color pigments. Finally, you will be told to name the block, just like naming a Blockhead. When your done, the block will be added to the craftable things in the Block Maker, and will require the pigments you use, 5 clay, and a gold ingot. You will NOT keep the pigments you used to create the block. After creating the block, you don't get it, you will have to craft the block to get it.
Random Ideas
Maybe there could be some sort of thing where you can mix ores, like some sort of smeltery. Like mixing ores that are already get mixed by using lava or something to make it hot enough to melt the ores but it could burn a house down or something without adding piping to move all the smoke somewhere else so you don't die. And you could add stuff like gliders and jetpacks and drills and quarries. Like adding more armor, there could also be a choice to add mystical things. There would be less industrial stuff and more mythical stuff like flying with Amor and clothing that has amethyst and other fake gems of power. Also more textures. Thx bye! ;)
Could you make a De-Crafting Bench, that will allow you to de-craft an item you have crafted, in case you have crafted something and then decide you don't want it? You could craft it in a workbench (you can decide what level) for a Craft Bench, Steel Block, and a Gold Ingot maybe? In the crafting menu for it, you could make the item that would normally be the item you are crafting, into the item you are de-crafting. On the part where you would have the requirements, you would have the items you will get from de-crafting the chosen item." Luigifan63 (talk)
Personally, I just sell something I realize I don't want, and if needed, buy back the ingredients.Skypath (talk) 09:34, 27 November 2014 (MST)
I really needed thatEmmet Lego (talk) 06:56, 2 January 2015 (MST)Emmet Lego
Money Storage?
I am making hundreds of gold coins selling coffee. Maybe an ATM/Bank would be nice. --Mattradu (talk) 22:29, 27 July 2014 (MDT)
Comment from Devaughn: There are safes and shops to keep your money safe, however, the idea of a bank or ATM to increase money is cool. --Devaughn (talk) 12:19, 2 September 2014 (MDT)
But the problem is i already have 4 safes full to the top and more money spread around my players' inventory and throughout other chests --Mattradu (talk) 14:34, 5 September 2014 (MDT)
I agree. Not only a bank or ATM, but also a much higher currency equivalent to several chests worth of gold coins. While putting gold in chests, and those full chests within another chest, works for storage.. it is such a hassle to take it all back out when going to buy things. Not enough gold can be held at once when buying things like elevator shafts. Putaradivi (talk) 00:01, 1 October 2014 (MDT)
Stuff for exploring the world
Maybe you can add a tent to craft at the tailors bench and use it if you explore the world by placing it and tap on it so it shows an options bar that says 'sleep' and 'meditate' to sleep faster and to meditate with protection so you don't have to place a whole house with a bed. And binoculars to see further if you selected it in the toolbar--Anonymus (talk) 18:05, 10 August 2014 (MDT)
I'm not sure if this is where this goes, but I would like to have diving gear to be able to go explore underwater. Maybe a submarine too would be nice.
Additions for the game
Maybe you can add cows, goats and things like that to get meat and milk to make dairy products and things like that, some fields so you can live like a farmer, the possibility to make ready-to-eat-meals like salads and steaks that fill a large part of the bar that says 'hunger' and that healthy meals like salads fill a smaller part of the hunger bar but increase maximum health and energy when you eat it very much and unhealthy meals like steaks fill a larger part than salads but if you eat it too much your maximum health will decrease and a coop to fill witch dodo's you need to catch with a cage you can make from sticks for eggs. --Anonymus (talk) 18:02, 10 August 2014 (MDT)
A nice addition would be cages to hold animals. These cages can be used to be put on boats trains and other transportation. Different level cages can be made out of:
Level one: sticks and wood
Level two: stone
Level Three and up: different types of metal, and if to be made fancier, Gem cages such as diamond, amethyst, ruby, sapphires, etc.
He just can wear down overtime, the higher the level the longer it takes. Certain animals can only be held in certain level cages, dodo birds in level one, scorpions and donkeys in level two, drop bears in level three, and any other animals in which ever level cage seems suitable. Alongside cages, fishtanks and shark tanks should also be made available, again fish in level one sharks and level two, and any other sea animals and other level tanks. Tanks can be made out of sticks, wood, water, and glass etc. (they would basically be made with the same stuff you would make cages out of just adding water and glass. The bigger the animal feed more supplies you will need.
Custom Boats
I think that the boats in the blockheads are extremely underwhelming, so... I propose custom boats! Using 1 small sail and a captain's wheel you can sustain a 6 block long and 3 block deep boat at small speeds,1 medium sail and Capn's wheel supports the same size boat at higher speed, and a large sail at highest speed. Amount of sails affects size and speed. Just an idea.And,sails are crafted incrementally with 1,3,and 5 linen and, also incrementally, 2,4,and 6 sticks. Captains wheel is 1 wood and 6 sticks.
- Would you be satisfied with being able to paint boats and dye their sails? --McClaw (talk) 08:19, 29 July 2014 (MDT)
I think ships should be able to hold multiple blockheads and should have storage space for items, food, and animals to transfer across oceans. Dyeing and painting is cool, but it would be very nice to build unique boats you can show off to friends and challenge to make the best one. Still, if you started with just the colosrs and slowly worked up through the updates that would be great! --Devaughn (talk) 12:21, 2 September 2014 (MDT)
At the very least, it would be nice if the sail were a piece of artwork, making the boat into more of a pirate ship with its own unique flag. Putaradivi (talk) 00:05, 1 October 2014 (MDT)
There should be a mechanics bench that allows crafting of robots. the robots can defend us or mine for you.
Google+ Invites
Can you make it so you can invite people to your single or multi player world with Google+ on Android, like you can with Game Center in IOS? I know something like this has already been asked, but I wish that it could be added too.
Lava improvements...
This might've been mentioned earlier, but it would be nice to be able to remove/place lava using a bucket (or swim in lava). --Mattradu (talk) 19:08, 31 July 2014 (MDT)
Armor Reskin
I find that the armor is fairly good in texture, but the helmets look ridiculous and the chestplates look a bit under textured. So, could we please get a retexture?
Butcher bench
Maybe u can add a butcher bench to cut the meat in pieces that fill a smaller part of the hunger bar--Anonymus (talk) 23:41, 5 August 2014 (MDT)
Maybe u can add a treadmill to increase your maximum energy by spending energy and time--Anonymus (talk) 23:49, 5 August 2014 (MDT)
Some rare plants that, combined, increase maximum health stats would be nice also. Or even a different exercise machine, like a weight machine or stationary bike. One for increasing energy and another for health. Putaradivi (talk) 00:17, 1 October 2014 (MDT)
We NEED more stuff for the donkeys or add horses & saddles!!!!!!!
Me and my friends can usually only find 1 donkey between us and we keep fighting over who will ride it....
So maybe if we each had a carrot on stick we could both ride it at the same time. You may be wondering: who would steer? Well it could be the person who was on it first!
Also there should be a saddle for the donkey instead of a carrot on stick! I think this because then it could work like a carrot on stick but you could dye it different color's and add gems on to it!
Or maybe there should be horses who you can make saddles for and do the above paragraph but the donkeys stays the same with the carrot and stick and then have the horse separate from the donkey !! Then maybe with the horse we could dye and groom its mane.
--Amalolz (talk) 05:19, 7 August 2014 (MDT)
- The simple solution for a lack of donkeys is to plant carrots so more will spawn. Plant them between a pair of two block high barriers and they'll stay put until you ride them out. --McClaw (talk) 08:15, 7 August 2014 (MDT)
Yea just found that out.... Thanks anyways :) but I still think there should be horses and saddles !!!! Amalolz (talk) 10:16, 3 September 2014 (MDT)
Maybe u can add paper that u can make from wood and you can pack seeds in them like we do in real life with sunflower seeds and that you can select how much seeds you want in one package so u can eat a bunch of seeds without tapping too much and that it restores the same part of the hunger bar just like if u eat them apart--Anonymus (talk) 17:58, 10 August 2014 (MDT)
Holes in the ground that are five blocks deep and five blocks up full with lava and plasma.
Copper Barrel
We need a barrel that holds five buckets of water or fish/shark's
Gaming Platforms
Hey I may be wrong, but I think there is no version for computer and if not could there be? And I have a Chromebook so if it could be for that too that'd be great thanks! (By being a chromebook that means it doesn't support windows)(no minecraft) :(
Slightly off topic, but have you tried 'minetest' it's similar to minecraft... Capturts (talk) 07:11, 15 September 2014 (MDT)
Beds with blankets
If you can add sheep, or maybe some way to get wool, you could have a seperate recipe for a bed with a blanket, with said bed can keep you warm. Note: This includes soft beds. Connieoop (talk) 15:49, 15 September 2014 (MDT) Connieoop
It already exists. It requires a wooden bed and linen (not sure what else) to craft. The bed itself can be painted, and the linen/blanket can be dyed. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure also that when you sleep or meditate, you won't die of exposure to the cold. Putaradivi (talk) 00:10, 1 October 2014 (MDT)
Yah but he means another recipeWill the BEAST (talk) 18:11, 6 March 2015 (MST)
Decoration for homes and landscape
As someone who plays this game way too often, I've reached the point that there are no more goals for me to try and achieve. I have nothing to be built or buy, I have it all. This wouldn't be bad, if I could at least decorate. Furniture would be a great start. Couches, chairs and outdoor benches for a small energy boost. Table and chair to enhance the effect of food. Dressers to hold clothes and a refrigerator to hold foods. Even things that do nothing but please the eye, such as statues, fountains, gnomes, fences, etc. Flowers of different types and rarities to plant, and a vase you could put them in. Even something like creating half and half blocks to create the look of angles, either by painting them or taking two resources to combine them. Basically, things that allow players to be creative, when they've in essence "beat" the game. Putaradivi (talk) 23:42, 30 September 2014 (MDT)
Try to add more fruits like bananas, pineapples, lemons, berries, and many more. :)
Platinum coins
It doesn't take long for gold coins to start spilling out of your pockets, shelves and chests. In the same way copper coins are converted to gold coins and vice-versa, the ability to turn 100 gold coins into platinum coins (and vice-versa) would be very helpful. This would also make platinum ore a possible addition as well.
Water pump
Transporting water bucket by bucket, or taking the time to find frozen water, can be time consuming. Pipe blocks, connected to a power source, would suck up water at one end, and release it at the other. This idea needs a little more fleshing out (how to determine direction of water flow and whatnot), but I think it's a pretty interesting concept. TraeMan7 09:11, 28 October 2014 (MDT)
- Just an additional thought to the water pump idea, it would be nice if you could place like a water collector unit (like rain gutters) to collect the rain because not all words are created equally, some have more water than others and it would be a good way to gain water (without having to buy it) if you can't find anymore. And just to make it more difficult, seeing how buying and selling helps others and whatnot, the rain water would have to go through a series of different purification processes before it can be "water". just an idea. KuroEngel (talk) 03:57, 3 February 2015 (MST)
More weapons, drills & alcoholic beverages
Alright so for the weapons I was thinking on the basis of crossbows and muskets nothing modern so the crossbow would require the bow and arrow as well as wood (for the body) same goes with the golden bow but that would require only 3-4 gold ingots to make nothing too much. And with the musket I say you need 2 steel ingots and 6 wood for the barrel and body. I would suggest ammo types for damages but this game doesn't support that yet. Now to drills. With drills it doesn't take damage as it runs on battery power (more of an endgame pickaxe) but it uses different heads so you can make a different drill depending on what head you have but the heads will follow the rules of the pickaxe with the gem heads giving you more bonuses. Last but not least is the booze okay so give us a barrel to make and we can add things to it to make different drinks such as limes and sugar (maybe add new stuff into the game like sugar canes) and with this you'll leave it to ferment for about 4-5 in game days and in the end you can use a cup to collect about 25-30 cups of it before it runs out. This is more of an MP option so people can make bars in their large towns.
Enjoy your read and I hope you enjoy the new ideas.
JoshGaarax3 (talk) 06:56, 7 November 2014 (MST)
A lot of Ideas I had
Well first off we have the Trade Portal. The Prices may seem high but if you get a way to make money easy(Like me) You basically finish off the game and have everything you've ever wanted. I do love the idea of the trade portal but I think Buying prices should literally be 5x more and the sell prices 1/2 of what the used to be. Now on to the special clothing such as: North Pole Boots of whatever. :P I think there should be more articals of clothing. Such as: One that slowly makes you regenerate and one that makes you hungrier slower instead of you never need to eat. And ordinary clothing I think you should had swim suits and flippers made from 6 Rubber(idk how you'd craft/get rubber though) so you can swim faster. Also you should add more Animals that attack you like Bears, Tigers, Lions, ect. And I think you should add BOSSES! Like an Undead Blockhead that acts nice at first and follows you but when night strikes it goes berserk an attacks you. And like a Baby Dragon boss That breaths fire and you can get lit on fire and you rapidly take damage till you find water.And maybe a Wave of Enemy's that happens on random where a army of enemy's attack you from 1 side. That's all for Bosses. But now I think you should add Storms and Tornados that can wreak havoc to your unprotected house and landscape. I also think you should make hurricanes that can blow you and blocks away that places them in a new place. I also think you should add a thirst bar and you have to drink water to fill it. And it should be way more deadly than hunger and you have to get water from the ocean and Boil it to get the germs away so you can drink it. And I also think you should be able to make an Oil/Fuel tank to Automatically fuel your Steam Generators and such And you use Piping to direct it to the Generators. I also think that in addition to the Jetpack I think you should be able to make Feather Wings out of 100 Dodo Feathers and a Balencer Weight (made with 4 gold) per wing and when you fly with wings it Quickly depletes your Energy and the Wings are crafted at a lvl3 Tailers bench. I also think that once you Fully upgrade the Portal you should be able to make a Dimensional Portal crafted with: A Portal, 1 of each Gemstone, 5 Gold, 100 Time Crystals, and an Ember to Light the portal. I don't know what would be in the new Dimension but I think I'd be cool. And I also think you should add A new Bow called the Solar Bow. It shoots arrows made from light from the sun and it should be crafted with 6 Gold, 4 String, 10 Copper Wires, and 8 Solars Panels. It has Extreme Power but can only be shot every 15 seconds. And also add new Biomes like a Jungle with Bamboo and Pandas and like a Dark Biome where's it's always night time As well as a Light Biome which makes it always day time. These should be Very very rare and can apply to any biome. It would also be cool if you added A way to make Diamonds from 99 Coal in something that presses it down to create a diamond. I also think you should be able to make more with diamonds. Idk what though. I also think you should be able to customize what your blockhead instead of just tapping random a bunch of times. I'm pretty sure that's all I have to suggest. Peace out.
Maya Fey (talk) 09:19, 22 November 2014 (MST)
Honestly I only like half of the things stated. I recently joined The Blockheads wiki and I'm getting used to it. I enjoy everything about block heads,especially online compatibility. I had some ideas to go along side these,such as:Trade portals should include ALL objects in game (not like animals but things like portal chests). Also clothing should be excessive and not only armor and cloth clothes, possibly stuff like dresses for girls and suits for guys,stuff like that. I agree that there should be more animals like if we had cats ant dogs and birds. these could be pets and would make the game more complex for players who seem to doze off a bit and possibly raise their awareness for their pet. Dogs can retrieve things and help fight off other animals (stupid drop bears) and attacking players.cats can just kinda scratch and scare off players and animals.finally birds can send personal messages to other players. Bosses are a good idea,considering its almost impossible to find cave trolls now a days. Creatures like zombies,dragons,ghosts,(sprites maybe,)pond monsters,and some others that I can go on forever about.I don't like the idea of storms and hurricanes,literally what would YOU do if you built a giant mansion and it got blown away? I personally would freak out and rage on other players...sorry other players, I cannot help myself. Wings and jetpacks are a lost idea... Ok so back to the mansion thing,what would you do if someone flew on top and destroyed the whole place after telling them not to come inside? And can you IMAGINE how bad it would LAG? The idea of another dimension would kind of be pushing it a bit,though it would be a good place for bosses to spawn.the bow idea is off (sorry but it just is),we should consider making the gold bow with poison arrows better,considering it takes around 50 shots to kill. Biomes are a GREAT idea. I personally would love to meet a panda ^_^. The coal to diamond idea is over board,last time I checked, it's called a miracle not nature. We should be able to make more with diamonds (chandeliers just don't cut it and I would prefer doing more with them then upgrading portals...). The idea of customization amongst player skins would honestly save me a lot of time, I literally will spend hours just to find the main skin shown (because he's white :P). Some other stuff I'd like to add is possibly better combat quality, meaning not just tapping the guy to death, but tap on them and it should pop up an icon saying:
- battle
- give
- cancel
And it would show you and them fighting if they accept the challenge. The give trait would be so that you don't have to drop the stuff you want them to have and just give them it assuring you don't have to worry about someone running past and taking your stuff. Something as well as all of these things is dating related icons like:
- ask out
- kiss
- hug
- break up
- marry
- etc.
I mean come on we have all witnessed at least one online interaction... Why not do them a favor? Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope these attributes can be added to the game. -1NF1N1TYBLAD3L0V3R
This Maya Fey, I'm not sure how to reply to you 1NF1N1TYBLAF3L0V3R or PM you cause I'm new so I decided to use Edit to ask you how I can PM you on Blockheads or something. Sorry this isn't a suggestion on the suggestion page! Maya Fey (talk) 14:55, 29 November 2014 (MST)
Coal from Charcoal
With the new update, coal becomes even more valuable. To keep it from running out, I suggest making it possible to craft coal from other (renewable) materials. One obvious possibility is making coal from several pieces of charcoal using the new electric press. --McClaw (talk) 21:24, 24 November 2014 (MST)
Repair Bench
With crafting recipes becoming more and more expensive it would be extremely helpful to have a way to cheaply repair items. For example, the jetpack takes a large amount of resources and time to create, and degrades rather quickly. Instead of just making a new jetpack, take the current one to a repair bench, and use some of the materials used to make it, to repair it. --Steve-o (talk) 13:45, 25 November 2014 (MST)
That would be very cool to have cuz the jetpack takes ages to make. Kairobin17 (talk) 08:48, 30 November 2014 (MST)
Tip: in some servers, you can get jetpacks very cheap or even free from other people. Do not beg for them, though. N (talk) 06:21, 19 December 2014 (MST)
ya preety cool. My jet was breaking in a fast speed like it is falling apart!!!!
You should only be able to build up to a certain height with ladders. After that height they should fall because there is no way someone can build up into space with ladders.
Note to writer: This would be possible, but you would need a very big tower(there is no such big tower). And it would be impossible for a human to climb all up.
But in reality ladders don't just fall because they are to high in the Space.--SirGorgeJones (talk) 00:37, 11 February 2015 (MST)
Introducing sugar to the blockhead world would bring about a whole new level of food crafting. I speak for myself and probably a lot of blockhead players when I say that I like making food- especially when I have a surplus of it. Once my blockheads are living the good life, food other than fruits and seeds is a great way to spend time and make the world seem more realistic- not to mention luxurious.
The plant itself would be sugarcane and grows similar to corn and flax- two block high with the harvested portion being the top half. When harvested it would produce sugar, which could be used in all kinds of foods and make the life the blockheads are living seem all that much better.
Wheat is the main crop in the famous Minecraft, and while I love the Blockheads for being much more unique in their crafting abilities, wheat is a basic crop that makes up much of real life diet. The wheat plant would come from a wheat seed, and would grow one block, similar to carrots. When harvested with a machete it could produce several wheat and wheat seeds, allowing for a larger planting. The wheat could then be made into bread in the electric stove, which itself could be used for many other foods.
Skypath (talk) 09:18, 27 November 2014 (MST)
That's a great idea just reminding you that wheat and wheat seeds are the same thing :)--Joshua Lonuzzo (talk) 11:29, 22 February 2015 (MST)
Editing Blockheads
This is a problem I recently realized- and while not necessarily a problem, it would be great to implement it. I recently killed two of my blockheads so I could recreate them with better names, as I came to dislike the old ones. And really, if real people lived like blockheads, they could change almost any aspect of themselves easily. Names mean little when the max amount of people you're with is 4 others (granted, in singleplayer)- so why not be able to edit the blockheads?
Edits could include changing hair color with pigments, hair style, shaving/growing facial hair (for males), and changing names.
Less new world dependency on Time Crystals
I plan on creating a new world in The Blockheads, but obtaining new Blockheads and Portals is pretty taxing on your Time Crystal hoard. I'm probably going to shell out $5 in Time Crystals just to get my game up and running, but it would be great if it were possible to obtain Blockheads and Portals with their upgrades some other way.
There are three ways to obtain crystals: mining (near-zero), watching ads (great pay, but you're limited to a few a day), and purchase (prices are reasonable, but it still requires a lot of cash if you want all your upgraded portals and Blockheads, more than the costs for HD and/or Double-Time). So you either have to wait days/weeks or shell out some cash if you want some of the most interesting and helpful features of The Blockheads.
If Time Crystals spent on items other than rushes were refunded to you when you deleted your world, that would be perfect. I don't mind purchasing premium/helpful features once, but having to purchase them every time I want a new file is too costly for any game I play.
If not that, something that reduced dependency on Time Crystals for these features would just be great.
TraeMan7 06:04, 29 November 2014 (MST)
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but I got 3 blockheads, a level 5 trade portal, 2 regular portals, and an emerald portal just from mining and videos Coolkirk1701 (talk) 21:44, 13 February 2015 (MST)
Travel between portals
The ability to warp to portals with Time Crystals is cool, but very costly. It would be very useful (and make sense) if we could let a Blockhead use one portal to travel instantly to another. I would certainly invest in a number of these if this were the case.
TraeMan7 06:08, 29 November 2014 (MST)
I agree with you, but it should be only possible with a Emerald Portal or better, because otherwise it is to cheap and feels like cheating. --SirGorgeJones (talk) 00:29, 11 February 2015 (MST)
New technology
I had a great idea of what to add to blockeads,and many others which are kinda less great but here's my main one.
Now we do have jet packs and that so don't get me wrong,there is some advanced tech,but I would really like to see more advanced technology.these may include firearms,rockets,space travel and suits,cars which don't need any fixed track to travel,hang gliders,explosives to mine better,missiles,tunnel boars to mine for you,grapplin guns,chainsaws,bullets,scuba gear,tools that use energy as a durability so they won't disappear,helicopters and planes or jetsand many more which I don't really want to write down as they would make this suggestion too long.
Other great ideas include
More mobs Golden sword which makes creatures drop rare items Enhancing weapons and tools Book guid Collecting lava in a bucket Active volcanoes Peaceful mode Difficulty
Many of these sound like other games,but these would all make blockheads and much much better game and I hope that Madic jungle software takes these ideas in for the next update.
Illness And A Cure
I really like the game and I like to take of my Blockheads. So it would be an awesome edition if your Blockhead could get sick and that you could heal and cure them. So there is like a flu that you can get by staying to long in the cold. And a headache that you can get by staying to long in the sun. And a stomach ache that you could get by eating raw meat/fish. And that you could get poisioned from a scorpion.
And it would be cool if you could cure yourself from the flu, headache, stomach ache and poison. So to cure the flu you need like tea. And for the headache you need a lot of rest in you bed. And for the stomach ache you also need tea. And for the poison you need like 5 different herbs that can only be found at different location around the world.
The thing that you will need to cure the flu is tea. And to make tea you will need 1 cup with boiled water and 1 herb. And to get 1 cup with boiled water you will need an option at the electric stove to boil water. And the recipe for it is 1 empty cup and 1 bucket of water.
And the thing that you will need for the headache is pretty simple you only have to rest 1 in-game day in you bed. So you will have to change the bed menu and add a rest option so that you could rest and cure.
And to cure the stomach ache you will need also need tea so it's the same as the flu.
And to cure the poison virus you will need 5 different herbs. So you need 5 herbs and combine them with a bucket cold water at the electric stove and then you get a heal potion stew, and that will cure you.
The herb that you will need to cure the flu and your stomach ache could be called: Chamomile.
And the 5 herbs that you will need to cure you from the poison virus could be called: Aloe Vera, Ginseng, Reishi Mushrooms, Nettle and an Elderflower. And from all those herbs the Elderflower is the most rare one to find.
Kairobin17 (talk) 08:38, 30 November 2014 (MST)
I think that's an awesome idea! I really really like the ideas of herbs and stuff. Also, how did you come up with the names? Are they based off of real herbs or are they from games? Maya Fey (talk) 20:54, 30 November 2014 (MST)
The name of the herbs are real names. Kairobin17 (talk) 06:36, 1 December 2014 (MST)
New Coins
Ok heres some ideas for new coins:
Titanium Coins: Worth 100 Platinum coins Crafted with 10 titanium ingots to get 20
Quartz Coins:
Worth 50 titanium coins. Crafted by combining 150 platinum coins with 20 titanium coins
Diamond Coins:Crafted by 5 Special diamonds for 10 diamond coins
Worth 40 Quartz Coins,10 titanium coins,and 10 platinum coins
Can only be crafted by Electric Furnaces
Special diamonds are rarer then titanium,while normal diamonds are more common
Red Diamond Coins:Red Diamond Coins are worth 50 (special) Diamond Coins, 100 quartz coins,150 titanium coins,300 platinum coins,500 gold coins,and 1000 copper coins (Really Good Coin)
Cannot be crafted,instead,can be purchased by trading portals,or converting 10 Red Diamonds into 5 Red Diamond Coins,can also be found in cave troll chests,but you will only find 1 red diamond coin,theres a 1% chance of finding them in cave troll golden chest
Red Diamonds are almost impossible to find but they are worth it
Also you can get like 100 jetpacks with Red Diamond Coins
Combining (Special) diamonds with (Special) Rubies can make a Red Diamond Piece,crafting 5 of them can make 1 red diamond
Titanium Coins:Dark Colored Coins that reflect grey light
Quartz Coin:White Coins that reflect normal light but are slight yellow
(Special) Diamond Coins:Cyan-ish teal with a light blue reflection
Red Diamond Coins:Kinda-Demonic reflection with the coin being bright red but a bit ruby-colored
How To Combine:A combining Bench,Takes almost an hour in non-electric one to combine,sometimes hurts you when you combine in non-electric version
But in electric version it will:Not Hurt You,Takes Less time to combine,and combine to get Red Diamonds.
How to craft Combining Bench:
Non-electric:10 stone,5 sticks,10 oil and 16 coal
Electric:10 Copper wires,a non-electric combing bench,15 oil,1 steel block,1 engine,2 combiners (crafted in metalwork bench with iron block,engine and 10 oil),and 5 iron ingots
New Coins
Ok heres some ideas for new coins:
Titanium Coins: Worth 100 Platinum coins Crafted with 10 titanium ingots to get 20
Quartz Coins:
Worth 50 titanium coins. Crafted by combining 150 platinum coins with 20 titanium coins
Diamond Coins:Crafted by 5 Special diamonds for 10 diamond coins
Worth 40 Quartz Coins,10 titanium coins,and 10 platinum coins
Can only be crafted by Electric Furnaces
Special diamonds are rarer then titanium,while normal diamonds are more common
Red Diamond Coins:Red Diamond Coins are worth 50 (special) Diamond Coins, 100 quartz coins,150 titanium coins,300 platinum coins,500 gold coins,and 1000 copper coins (Really Good Coin)
Cannot be crafted,instead,can be purchased by trading portals,or converting 10 Red Diamonds into 5 Red Diamond Coins,can also be found in cave troll chests,but you will only find 1 red diamond coin,theres a 1% chance of finding them in cave troll golden chest
Red Diamonds are almost impossible to find but they are worth it
Also you can get like 100 jetpacks with Red Diamond Coins
Combining (Special) diamonds with (Special) Rubies can make a Red Diamond Piece,crafting 5 of them can make 1 red diamond
Titanium Coins:Dark Colored Coins that reflect grey light
Quartz Coin:White Coins that reflect normal light but are slight yellow
(Special) Diamond Coins:Cyan-ish teal with a light blue reflection
Red Diamond Coins:Kinda-Demonic reflection with the coin being bright red but a bit ruby-colored
How To Combine:A combining Bench,Takes almost an hour in non-electric one to combine,sometimes hurts you when you combine in non-electric version
But in electric version it will:Not Hurt You,Takes Less time to combine,and combine to get Red Diamonds.
How to craft Combining Bench:
Non-electric:10 stone,5 sticks,10 oil and 16 coal
Electric:10 Copper wires,a non-electric combing bench,15 oil,1 steel block,1 engine,2 combiners (crafted in metalwork bench with iron block,engine and 10 oil),and 5 iron ingots
This is Maya Fey not the original poster. Please use your Proper Signiture it told you to use next time so you don't confuse anyone. Now onto what I wanted to talk about, This whole thing is kinda horrible IMO... All your prices are totally wacko and are like a money dupe machine. Just keep it simple and do this:
Titanium Coins: 100 Platnium Coins.
Quartz Coins: 100 Titanium Coins.
Diamond Coins: 100 Quartz Coins.
Red Diamond Coins: 100 Diamond Coins.
It's that easy... These are the Worths of each coin you made:
You say Quartz Coin is worth 50 Titanium Coins, But to make it, It only costs 21.5 Titanium Coins.
Diamond Coins you say are worth a Weird amount of 40 Quartz Coins 10 Titanium Coins and 10 Platnium Coins
Red Diamond Coins You say are worth:(I'll base these off of the REAL worth not the worth you say.) You know what? Screw the Whole Damn Calculating the Red-Diamond Coin, Like Literially WTF? Is this a joke? Like wtf... This is the worst Suggestion i've seen(No offence sorry) I litterally can't wrap my mind around this. Also I don't even get how the Diamond Coin can have a Worth when it's made without coins so... Keep things simple please and DON'T make 4 Posts of the same thing. Peace Out Maya Fey (talk) 21:51, 30 November 2014 (MST)
New Coins
Ok heres some ideas for new coins:
Titanium Coins: Worth 100 Platinum coins Crafted with 10 titanium ingots to get 20
Quartz Coins:
Worth 50 titanium coins. Crafted by combining 150 platinum coins with 20 titanium coins
Diamond Coins:Crafted by 5 Special diamonds for 10 diamond coins
Worth 40 Quartz Coins,10 titanium coins,and 10 platinum coins
Can only be crafted by Electric Furnaces
Special diamonds are rarer then titanium,while normal diamonds are more common
Red Diamond Coins:Red Diamond Coins are worth 50 (special) Diamond Coins, 100 quartz coins,150 titanium coins,300 platinum coins,500 gold coins,and 1000 copper coins (Really Good Coin)
Cannot be crafted,instead,can be purchased by trading portals,or converting 10 Red Diamonds into 5 Red Diamond Coins,can also be found in cave troll chests,but you will only find 1 red diamond coin,theres a 1% chance of finding them in cave troll golden chest
Red Diamonds are almost impossible to find but they are worth it
Also you can get like 100 jetpacks with Red Diamond Coins
Combining (Special) diamonds with (Special) Rubies can make a Red Diamond Piece,crafting 5 of them can make 1 red diamond
Titanium Coins:Dark Colored Coins that reflect grey light
Quartz Coin:White Coins that reflect normal light but are slight yellow
(Special) Diamond Coins:Cyan-ish teal with a light blue reflection
Red Diamond Coins:Kinda-Demonic reflection with the coin being bright red but a bit ruby-colored
How To Combine:A combining Bench,Takes almost an hour in non-electric one to combine,sometimes hurts you when you combine in non-electric version
But in electric version it will:Not Hurt You,Takes Less time to combine,and combine to get Red Diamonds.
How to craft Combining Bench:
Non-electric:10 stone,5 sticks,10 oil and 16 coal
Electric:10 Copper wires,a non-electric combing bench,15 oil,1 steel block,1 engine,2 combiners (crafted in metalwork bench with iron block,engine and 10 oil),and 5 iron ingots
Platinum Coins
I believe that the one coin output of platinum ingots is unfair. I think it would be better if a platinum ingot could be formed into 10 coins, like gold and copper coins.
A note to whoever wrote this: Think about this for a second: If one platnium ingot formed 10 platnium coins, then someone with a trade portal in a single player world could buy a jetpack for only 50 platnium coins, equivalent to only 5 platnium ingots. Meaning that 10 platnium coins per ingot would be overpowered. Do you see what i mean?
--InfiniteAtom (talk) 09:19, 24 December 2014 (MST)InfiniteAtom
- )
Ores - Nickel - Silver
Blocks - Silver Block - Nickel Block
Coins - Silver coins
Food - Popcorn - Corn and water :)
- ) That's all I've got! :)
space suit
You can made a spacesuit.It was heat resistance,unlimited air for breath and use the same logic as the jetpack. ps:it can fly! Emmet Lego (talk) 07:11, 28 December 2014 (MST)Emmet Lego
A note to Emmer Lego:
How would you craft the space suit? craft bench.10 carbon fiber,a glass(for the screen),oxygen tank(made by steel),and some heat resistant material(such as ice armor)oh,and two jet engine of course(for fly!)!!! Ps:it will be the most complex item in the blockheads!!!Emmet Lego (talk) 06:13, 31 December 2014 (MST)Emmet Lego
It would be also great if there is some thing like a moon, then it is also more interesting to get a spacesuit.--SirGorgeJones (talk) 00:12, 11 February 2015 (MST)
instant home
u just put it at some where,Done!!!Good for travel!!! How to make:10 Red brick,1 window,1 chest,a soft bed. just press remove on option to remove it! Emmet Lego (talk) 06:17, 31 December 2014 (MST)Emmet Lego
Maybe like a tent?--Devaughn (talk) 12:37, 20 March 2015 (MDT)
Why can't there be villages with npcs or some ancient cripts full of traps and at the end a chest full if loot.--Superfunnydork22 (talk) 15:06, 18 January 2015 (MST)Brayden Brown
Wind and Drinks?
Wind and Drinks?
SPOILER ALERT! This might be really complicated. I said REALLY COMPLICATED!
First, how about wind? If your direction is opposite where the wind comes from your speed will be increased accordingly (the table takes the fact your blockhead has 100% happiness) Wind Speed / Speed Multiplier 0 - 20 mph / 1× 20 - 40 mph/ 1.2× 40 - 60 mph/ 1.4× 60 - 80 mph/ 1.7× 80+ mph / 2× And if you are going in the direction of the wind... Wind Speed / Speed Multiplier 0 - 20 mph / 1× 20 - 40 mph/ 0.5× 40 - 60 mph/ 0.25× 60 - 80 mph/ 0.167× 80+ mph / 0.125× Any armor worn will increase speed if going in the direction of the wind. For 1 steel block, 3 iron ingots, 1 electric motor and a magnet, you can make a weather radio at a workbench which will report weather for the next game day as well as speed of wind. Size 1×1. For 5 steel ingots, 2 solar panels, 5 electric motors and 10 carbon fiber sheets you can make a wind turbine at a workbench which can convert wind to electricity. Size 2×5. And hurricanes? They don't hurt the blockhead physically but when the they could be flown up to 40 blocks high and be blown somewhere far for game hours, up to 1 game day, and they take damage when the hurricane stops and they take damage from the fall. Hurricanes are winds of 120 mph or higher. Materials might be blown away. All material includes anything MADE of those products if they are the main ingredient. Wood, dirt, sand, black sand, gravel and small plants can be blown away at 80 mph. Stone, limestone, sandstone, lapis lazuli, ice, red marble, marble, coal and oil can be blown away at 100 mph. All gems except diamond and all ores except coal, oil, gold, titanium, platinum and silicon can be blown away at 120 mph. Diamonds, gold, titanium, platinum, silicon, basalt, carbon fiber, big trees, basalt and everything else not mentioned can be blown away at 150 mph. And what about drinks? Mugs are useless except for coffee. NOTE: All drinks use one bucket of water. You get the bucket back after use. One drink may be made from one bucket of water + sugar (a new item collected if you use a machete on a new crop called sugarcane) + one mug = SODA! It increases speed to 1.5× for a while and restores 1/3 energy. How about TEA? One bucket of water + sugar + tea leaves (from a new crop called tea plant) + one mug = TEA! It recovers 2/3 energy. Or even something EVEN BETTER THAN COFFEE?! How about... SUPER COFFEE! One bucket of water + 5 roasted coffee beans + 5 sugar + One mug = SUPER COFFEE! It increases the stop of energy dropping from 10 real minutes to 1 REAL HOUR! SAY GOODBYE TO THE EXPENSIVE GOLDEN BED. The only downside to SUPER COFFEE is that you must use 10 time crystals to drink more than one every 1 real day. The first is free but on the same real day you must pay 10 time crystals to drink again but it will be free the next day from 12 AM in your country.
Blockheadz2009 (talk) 21:50, 24 January 2015 (MST)
Pick up beds
It would be great if as you sleep you can click on the bed so you can pick it up and not leave it behind.(Petepuma (talk) 21:49, 3 February 2015 (MST))
- ??????????Emmet Lego (talk) 19:06, 5 February 2015 (MST)
Magic Orbs
These are simple ideas. They are rare chance from mining or digging. Using gold tools will increase chances by 1.5× and gem pickaxe will increase chances by their respective multiplier (e.g. amethyst pickaxe = 2× chance) There are six in a single player world, but if you choose a bigger world size for multi-player worlds there will be more. 4× will increase the number to 8 and 16× will raise the number to 12.
- P-coins = Platinum Coins
Single-player/Multi-player (Normal) Format: Item/Price/Chance: Red Orb / 10 P-coins / 0.0001% Orange Orb/ 20 P-coins / 0.00004% Yellow Orb/ 40 P-coins / 0.000015% Green Orb / 70 P-coins / 0.000005% Blue Orb / 100 P-coins / 0.0000008% Purple Orb/ 150 P-coins / 0.0000005%
In Multi-player 4× the list is as shown above with the addition of: Black Orb / 250 P-coins / 0.0000002% White Orb / 400 P-coins / 0.0000001%
In Multi-player 16× the list is as shown above with the addition of: Bronze Orb/ 500 P-coins / 0.00000004% Silver Orb/ 600 P-coins / 0.00000001% Gold Orb / 750 P-coins / 0.000000005% Prism Orb / 999 P-coins / 0.0000000001%
You can only sell orbs. You cannot buy orbs.
In single-player worlds collect the six orbs, make a Primary Crystal (Red, Yellow and Blue Orbs in a Metalwork Bench), make a Secondary Crystal (same recipe, except use the other orbs), Fuse these in a furnace (It will take 10,000 time crystals to rush it and unless you have SO MUCH COFFEE that everyone in Thailand could have one cup, you will have to hand over that HUGE cost, unless, of course, you have double-time, which will cost just half of the time crystals or coffee. Note: Only applicable to single-player. Blockheadz2009 (talk) 06:00, 4 February 2015 (MST)
Bad idea about the time.Emmet Lego (talk) 03:10, 8 February 2015 (MST)
You guys really should add some monsters like zombie,skeleton,and of cource,dinosour.Emmet Lego (talk) 03:09, 8 February 2015 (MST)
I do agree, Blockheads should have more hostile creatures to create a challenge.--Devaughn (talk) 12:41, 20 March 2015 (MDT)
Hazard suit
It would be cool if u guys add hazard suits for diving and deal with hot and coldEmmet Lego (talk) 03:17, 8 February 2015 (MST)
Lava-resist armor
With Platinum and Carbon fiber you can craft an armor (or jetpack?) that is resistant of any source of heat.
I like to know who wrote it.Emmet Lego (talk) 00:16, 16 February 2015 (MST)
Obsidian and Obsidian Portals
Plz add a gem that is black and is rare. Add upgrade with it to the portal, and pickaxe.--Plazmoid3 (talk) 13:00, 10 February 2015 (MST)
Obsidian and Obsidian Portals
Plz add a gem that is black and is rare. Add upgrade with it to the portal, and pickaxe.--Plazmoid3 (talk) 13:00, 10 February 2015 (MST)
Add armor, tools and weapons (including bow and arrows). And add weapons, like machine gun.--Plazmoid3 (talk) 13:05, 10 February 2015 (MST)
I think it would be cool to have an Warehouse with many chests but only one chest is needed to access to all chests.
To connect the chests it needs some Connection blocks, who are expensive to craft.
It should also work with a Portal chest and you can access all the chests by any Portal chest.
What do you think about this?--SirGorgeJones (talk) 00:10, 11 February 2015 (MST)
My ideas on automation, trains, and creative mode
I believe that it should be possible to at least smelt items automatically, perhaps using a system similar to minecraft, and then pump the items out and sort them into chests.
Also, I think that there should be better trains, for example a diesel and an electric engine that are faster than the steam engine. My perfect train is one I found in a minecraft mod called traincraft, which is the track builder. My idea is that you supply the track builder with rails, the types of blocks you want it to use, and a shovel, a pick axe, and an axe to clear away obstacles
My final idea is to add a creative mode, which is not able to be linked by portal chests, time crystals, etc. but where the player has immediate access to 5 blockheads that they can name and customize, has access to every block via a "creative menu", and can spawn in animals using either eggs of commands
Coolkirk1701 (talk) 21:38, 13 February 2015 (MST)
Bows arrows and quivers--Joshua Lonuzzo (talk) 10:26, 22 February 2015 (MST)
Personally, I think that there should be a lower quality bow made from wood not bronze and the option to manually shoot instead of just tapping to attack when in bow range. There should be a quiver that is upgradable to hold more arrows than the previous level and arrows should be made separately from the bows. Also, I think fire arrows would be a good idea made with the normal arrow recipe and an ember. Arrows should also be able to be seen as it is shot and can be recollected, arrows should only be stackable to 5 or ten without a quiver. Quivers made of leather and are shown when carrying on the blockheads back It is shown if it is in inventory, no matter which slot it is in
Good idea!Emmet Lego (talk) 22:23, 22 February 2015 (MST)
Alternate Dimensions
There should be other dimensions in Blockheads, sort of like the Nether and the End in Minecraft. I don't know exactly how it would work, but I think it would be pretty cool. Maybe you could make it where you have to make a complete 4x4 square from gold or platinum blocks and place a diamond in one of the empty squares in the middle and it would fire up. I guess you would have to tap it and have the "remove" button show up and below it maybe an "enter" button to go through. I don't really know what would be on the other side of the portal though, so I'm leaving the creativity to you, seeing how you created this awesome game so perfectly. Thank you.
I think cars would be a good idea because laying down rails is tedious work. The car could be made with similar materials to a steam engine, but slightly different, it could be made at a "garage" or "workshop" It would be nice it you could upgrade the engine and stuff, it could start out with a big heavy steam engine like the first cars had and work your way up to a fuel based model and then a hybrid and then just solar or electric. The tires could also be upgadable from simple wood ones all the way up to synthetic rubber air filled ones, it would be nice to have a realisim by having to keep it dry in a garage/shelter and dry it off with a cloth (linen?) if it got wet. you would also have to oil it to keep ot working well, you could also have to get new tires every once and a while and maybe pump them up, let me know if you like this idea and feel free to comment and add your own ideas:)--Joshua Lonuzzo (talk) 16:33, 25 February 2015 (MST)
New topic
Maybe we can something like coins,tech,and POLLUTION.
Coins.We has add copper coin,gold coin,and platinum about titanium?maybe worth 100 or 200 maybe? technology will make something about..... car?motorcycle?bike? Car. Make from fix yard.Fix yard make from workbench level 3.To craft fix yard need 1 stone 2-5 steel ingot and need space 1 block.Fix yard contain:ENGINE,CAR,WHEEL,SUSPENSION,and MOTORCYCLE.engine,suspension,wheel,and motorcycle make from level 1,car make from level 2.for upgrade to level 2,need 5 iron ingot.wheel need 1iron ingot and 5 steel ingot to make 2 wheel.suspension need 1 steel ingot to make 2 suspension.engine need 2 steel ingot and steam engine.motorcycle need 1 engine,2 suspension, and 2 need an engine,4 wheels,and 4 need 2 suspension,2 wheels, and 3 wood block
Pollution.pollution make sick and cure this, need to sleep.pollution can reducing air.pollution can be reduced by reducing usage of jetpack,refinery,train,etc.
That all.please review and leave a comment
New topic
Maybe we can something like coins,tech,and POLLUTION
Coins.We has add copper coin,gold coin,and platinum about titanium?maybe worth 100 or 200 maybe? technology will make something about..... car?motorcycle?bike? Car. Make from fix yard.Fix yard make from workbench level 3.To craft fix yard need 1 stone 2-5 steel ingot and need space 1 block.Fix yard contain:ENGINE,CAR,WHEEL,SUSPENSION,and MOTORCYCLE.engine,suspension,wheel,and motorcycle make from level 1,car make from level 2.for upgrade to level 2,need 5 iron ingot.wheel need 1iron ingot and 5 steel ingot to make 2 wheel.suspension need 1 steel ingot to make 2 suspension.engine need 2 steel ingot and steam engine.motorcycle need 1 engine,2 suspension, and 2 need an engine,4 wheels,and 4 suspensions.
Pollution.pollution make sick and cure this, need to sleep.
That all.please review and leave a comment
Maybe it's a cool idea to add scuba gear to the game, so that Blockheads can stay longer underwater without having to eat kelp or drown. It must include a diving mask, oxygen tank(s), flippers, a wetsuit, a diving lamp (so you can dive deep into the ocean to find hidden treasures (also an idea?) and hunt for fish), etcetera. You can craft this stuff on a separate crafting bench or buy it at a level 5/6 trade portal for multiple platinum coins(just like the jet pack).
I really hope somebody reads this and adds this to the game, because that would be really cool!
Ilness maybe make the game be a little bit realistic.stomachache,because eating raw fish,raw dodo meat,and flax seed(and maybe kelp).stomachache can be cured by drinking tea(and maybe sleep). That all my idea.Raihanghazy--Raihanghazy (talk) 17:04, 7 March 2015 (MST)
Coin system
I have tons and tons of platinum coins(no cheats) so i'm considering that you add more types of coins. You could make the amethyst coin which is 100 platinum coins, the sapphire coin which is 100 amethyst coins, then the emerald coin which is 100 sapphire coins, then the ruby coin which is 100 emerald coins, and finally 100 ruby coins for a diamond coin. Then you can melt them in a maximum level furnace for the gems.
Thank you for considering this
Ideas I Have
I think that The Blockheads adds airplanes because everybody wants one and you should put fuel in it just like the jet pack to make it able to fly. I also think The Blockheads should add submarines to go deep if your looking for animals like sharks or fish, sharks could damage the submarine and you should also make underwater treasures chests which look like a chest except with golden studs near the top and the bottom and have a bit of a moldy look to it. The Blockheads should also add sugar which would add a bit of an temporary energy boost when you eat it, you could also make smoothies with it the types could be carrot, cherry and orange. The Blockheads could also add different types of smoothies to the game later on. The Blockheads should also add more animals especially like squids, turtles and pigs. The Blockheads should also try to make it so you can get more blockheads in a world because sometimes you have to many chores to do, plus The Blockheads should make it so they can work on the same thing together on the same work bench and each blockhead would make the item your trying to make.
Thank You for considering these ideas and please tell me if you object any of my ideas thanks
I think you should be able to make chandeliers out of different types of gems out of 2 amethyst, 2 sapphires, 2 emeralds, 2 ruby's and 2 diamonds. It would make the chandelier look like all the chandeliers in the game but in one chandelier, or else you could make it out of 1 of each of the chandeliers in the game.
Thank You for thinking about adding this
Breathing Equipment
There have been a lot of suggestions on making scuba suits and space suits. I thought it may be a good idea to replace kelp with a single piece of equipment (maybe helmet) so that one doesn't have to always consume kelp when in space or underwater.
However kelp may lose its purpose of allowing blockheads to breath in 'non-air' situations. But kelp can still be used for farming, replenishing health, spawning fish and sharks and making compost.
I also think that wearing a breathing helmet may match with the jetpack :D --Devaughn (talk) 13:00, 20 March 2015 (MDT)
Easier 'edit welcome message' interface
You know the thing that pops up on the screen everytime you join a server? I am happy HTML is supported, but it's really difficult to edit big messages as the keyboard keeps covering half the textbox and I can't scroll. Please see to this and make the changes required.