Green Coffee Bean

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A Green Coffee Bean is an intermediate step to crafting coffee.

Green Coffee Bean
Green Coffee Bean
Green Coffee Bean

Category Resource
Use Crafting
Stackable Yes (99)

"Roast to make coffee."


Green coffee beans are small, round, gray objects with a dark line crossing them.


Coffee cherries are converted into green coffee beans using a press.

While not directly edible, green coffee beans may be turned into roasted coffee beans by using an electric stove

Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Input Item 5 Crafted Output
    + + + + =  
Electric Stove Green Coffee Bean [[]] [[]] [[]] [[]] Roasted Coffee Bean
Quantity 1 {{{Qty2}}} {{{Qty3}}} {{{Qty4}}} {{{Qty5}}} 1
Rush Cost