The Blockheads Wiki:Image guidelines

Revision as of 17:14, 15 March 2014 by >Abcboy (→‎Standardized images)

Proposal for image guidelines:

File formats

Although The Blockheads Wiki supports png, gif, and jpg, PNG should be used whenever possible. JPEGs are lossy, and lose image quality that can't be recovered. (See this image for a comparison.)

As quality has already been lost, do not just save JPEGs as PNGs.

In cases where an animated image might be more appropriate, these may be uploaded in GIF format. These will need to be in GIF format for support in most browsers and must be uploaded at or below the size of display, as GIFs cannot be downscaled by MediaWiki. Animated images should be checked by wiki administrators before inclusion in articles.

Also, please make sure to upload images with lowercase extensions. (File:Image.png, not File:Image.PNG)

File names and dimensions

In general, use descriptive names for images. Do not upload images with names like "File:Picture.png" or "FIle:IMG 056.png". Also, remember to categorize all uploaded images.

Main categories:

  • Animal images (all image featuring animals or animal-related items; doesn't have to be subject matter)
  • Plant images (all image featuring plants or trees; doesn't have to be subject matter)
  • Other images (all other images)

Possible categories:

  • Blockhead images (all images with a blockhead in them)
  • Overworld images (all images of the overworld)

Standardized images

Example Dimensions Notes
  File:Apple Icon.png 40x40 pixels All item icons, not including blocks or HD icons
Categorize under Category:Item icons
  File:Dirt Icon.png 80x80 pixels All block icons, must be taken on a retina device
(iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 5c, iPod touch (4th, 5th), iPad 3, 4, Air, mini w/ Retina)
Categorize under Category:Item icons
File:Dirt HD Icon.png 80x80 pixels All HD icons, must be taken on a retina device
Categorize under Category:HD images, Category:Item icons, and any other applicable
  File:Workbench 1 Icon.png 80x80 pixels All benches that appear as a cube, must be taken on a retina device
*Do not include level if bench has no upgrades
Categorize under Category:Bench icons and Category:Item icons
  File:Furnace up2 Icon.png 80x80 pixels All cubic bench upgrades, must be taken on a retina device
Number should represent the bench shown
Categorize under Category:Bench upgrade icons and Category:Item icons
  File:Apple Big.png 160x160 pixels All items with no overworld render, should be identical to inventory icon at 4x
Background should be File:Gradient.png
Categorize under Category:Large item icons
  File:Dodo Stew HD Big.png 160x160 pixels or larger All items with no overworld render, must be taken on a retina device
Categorize under Category:HD images
  File:Red Bricks Big.png 160x160 pixels or larger All block icons, each pixel should be square
Categorize under Category:Large item icons
  File:Dirt HD Big.png 160x160 pixels or larger All block icons, must be taken on a retina device
Categorize under Category:HD images
  File:Ice Helmet Big.png 160x160 pixels or larger All items with overworld render, must be a square image
Categorize under Category:Large item icons
  File:Storyteller Ach.png 120x120 pixels All achievement icons, must be taken on a retina iPad on iOS 7
Categorize under Category:Achievement icons

Taking screenshots

To take a screenshot on an iOS device, hold the power and home buttons for a second or so until the screen turns white briefly. This image can be uploaded directly to the wiki, but it is preferable to transfer it to your computer for any needed editing. Do not edit or crop the image on iOS; it degrades the image quality. If needed, edit it on a computer before upload. If wanted, you can compress it using a lossless compression utility such as PunyPNG.