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Revision as of 13:11, 14 April 2014 by >McClaw (→‎Text)
See also: Getting Started

The tutorial is displayed in The Blockheads when a new single-player world is started. After each message, "SKIP" and "OK" are the choices allowed.


"Welcome to The Blockheads!"
"You're in a massive world full of things to find, explore, collect and create, from cave trolls to steam trains!"
"But you can't do it alone."
"To start, warp in your first blockhead by tapping on the portal."
"Warp in a blockhead at the portal"
"Welcome, (blockhead's name)!"
"Now, it's time to explore."
"Tap on an empty space just above the ground to tell (blockhead's name) to move there."
"Tap above the ground to move"
"Good! Take your time and have a look around"
"Great! Now you're going to need a workbench, and that requires dirt."
"Luckily, you have a spade!"
"Equip the spade by tapping on it in your inventory."
"Now that (blockhead's name) is holding (his/her) spade, tap a dirt square on the surface to dig dirt with it."
"Tap on some dirt near the surface"
"Great! (Blockhead's name) is nearly done..."
"Dirt! Now that you have a block of dirt, you can get a workbench."
"Tap on the portal again and warp in a workbench."
"Warp in a workbench at the portal"
"You have a workbench!"
"Now to use it, you need to place it somewhere."
"First get (blockhead's name) to hold the workbench by tapping on it in his inventory."
"Tap the workbench in your inventory"
"Now (blockhead's name) has it in hand, so you need to place it somewhere."
"Tap on any empty space just above the ground to place the workbench there."
"Place the workbench on the ground"
"Sweet! Now you're going to need tools."
"Tools allow you to gather materials much faster and get bonuses."
"To craft tools, you need a tool bench."
"Tap on the workbench you just placed."
"Tap on the workbench"
"This is where you can craft new benches."
"Let's see what you need for a tool bench."
"Tap on the tool bench to select it (it's second from the left)."
"Select the tool bench"
"As you can see, a tool bench requires another block of dirt, and 1 flint."
"When you are finished looking at the workbench, simply tap anywhere outside to close it."
"When you are ready, tap outside the workbench panel to close it"
"Ok, so you need dirt and flint."
"You know how to get dirt. Flint is very similar."
"Look around until you find some black rocks in dirt near the surface. You may have to explore a bit to find some."
"Then dig that block with your spade of your fists."
"Look for shiny black rocks in dirt and dig!"
"Flint! Now all you need for your tool bench is some plain dirt. Like before, dig a block of plain dirt near the surface."
"Dig some dirt near the surface"
"Alright! Now that you have both flint and dirt, you can craft a tool bench."
"Tap on the workbench, select the tool bench, and tap craft!"
"Craft a tool bench at the workbench"
"Some items can take a while to craft."
"You can warp in more blockheads to help, but you can also use time crystals to craft anything immediately!"
"Time crystals can be found in caves and mined."
"They can also be purchased at a portal or in the pause menu."
"You can use crystals now to complete the tool bench if you like, or just wait until it is complete."
"Let's make some tools!"
"Select your new tool bench in (blockhead's name)'s inventory, then place it on the ground."
"Tap the tool bench in your inventory then place it on the ground"
"Great. Now let's have a look at what tools are available."
"Tap on the tool bench you just placed."
"Tap on the tool bench"
"As you progress and get more advanced materials you will be able to upgrade this tool bench and craft better tools that work faster."
"But for now, let's craft a flint machete to help us gather sticks."
"Tap on it to see what is required."
"Select a flint machete"
"The machete requires 1 stick and 2 flint."
"You already have 2 flint and know how to find more, so let's find a stick."
"Close the tool bench when you are ready."
"When you are ready, tap outside the tool bench panel to close it"
"The best way to gather sticks is to gather them from the outermost branches of a tree."
"It's also possible to just chop the tree down, but then you don't get nearly as many sticks per branch."
"Find a tree, then tap one of its branches to gather a stick."
"Find a tree, then tap on one of its branches"
"Let's craft a machete!"
"Tap on your tool bench, select the machete, and tap craft."
"Craft a flint machete at the tool bench"
"Great! A flint machete!"
"Machete's are useful for gathering sticks from trees, and also for harvesting plants."
"Not only is it faster that using your fists, but you get 3x the sticks per branch!"
"Now you'll want a campfire to provide light and warmth at night."
"To craft a campfire you're going to need lots of sticks."
"Use your new machete to harvest 20 sticks from tree branches."
"Use the flint machete to gather 20 sticks"
"Good work!"
"Now use your sticks to craft a campfire at the workbench."
"Craft a campfire at the workbench"
"Good, now place the campfire on the ground."
"Be careful where you place it though, it can ignite nearby trees or wood!"
"Place the campfire on the ground"
"Warmth! That will help keep (blockhead's name) safe at night."
"You can also craft torches and cook meat at a campfire."
"For now though, (blockhead's name) really needs a basket so (he/she) can carry more stuff."
"Baskets are woven at a craft bench."
"You have sticks, but need another block of dirt to make the craft bench. So go and grab yourself a block of dirt."
"Dig a block of dirt"
"You now have everything you need, so go and make yourself a craft bench at the workbench."
"Craft a craft bench at the workbench"
"Craft benches allow you to craft all sorts of useful items like boats to sail the seas, or a carrot on a stick to ride a donkey."
"Place the craft bench on the ground and have a look at what is required for a basket."
"Place the craft bench and look at what you can craft there"
"Baskets allow blockheads to carry 4 different items in each inventory slot."
"It looks like you already have enough sticks, so now craft a basket to expand (blockhead's name)'s inventory."
"Craft a basket at the craft bench"
"You can drag items in and out of baskets, and even place baskets inside other baskets, so you can hold as much as you like!"
"When you're ready to continue, have another look at the tool bench."
"When you are ready, have another look in the tool bench."
"You're nearly done with the tutorial, and will soon be left to explore on your own."
"But first, you should probably craft a flint pickaxe and mine some stone."
"Gather the required flint and a stick, then come back and craft a flint pickaxe."
"Gather flint & sticks then craft a flint pickaxe"
"Great! Pickaxes mine much faster and give bonuses when mining ores."
"Now use your spade or fists to dig down through the dirt until you find stone, then use your pickaxe to dig 5 stone."
"Dig 5 stone"
"Well done, you have completed the tutorial!"
"You can use your stone to upgrade your tool bench or workbench, and unlock new items to craft."
"Go and find some food, dig down to find gems and metals, warp in more blockheads, and if you run out of ideas for things to do, check out the achievements in the pause menu."
"Good luck, have fun!"

Alternate scenarios

If spade is dropped

"(Blockhead's name) seems to have lost (his/her) spade. That's ok, you can also dig with your fists, thought it takes longer, so try to use the right tool for the job when you can."
"Tap a dirt square on the surface to dig it."

If the first night nears and blockhead is tired

"It's getting late and (blockhead's name) is tired, so it's probably time to go to sleep for the night."
"Tap (blockhead's name)'s button at the left of the screen"
"Tap the blockhead button"
"Here you can see all of (blockhead's name)'s needs, and also meditate or sleep."
"(Blockhead's name) is tired enough to sleep, so move him somewhere comfortable, then tap on the sleep button back here when you are ready."
"You might want to dig a small cave for shelter if you can."
"Tap the blockhead button and sleep when you are ready"
"Now (blockhead's name) is asleep."
"Tired or upset blockheads move and work slower, so it's important to look after them."
"Later you can craft a bed for a more restful sleep, but for now, let's wait until (blockhead's name) wakes up."
"Wait for (blockhead's name) to wake up"
"That's better, now a whole new day begins!"